Wednesday, March 19

News- US

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Long Island mom describes symptoms, testing struggles | New York Post

Long Island mom describes symptoms, testing struggles | New York Post

News- US Long Island mom Diana Berrent, 45, learned that she tested positive Wednesday for coronavirus after days of experiencing terrible aches, nausea and a fever. Today, she takes us through her battle to secure a COVID-19 test at a Port Washington urgent care center. Berrent says: "I’m no germaphobe (I bathed in the Ganges last year along with 50 million others at the Kumbh Mela; my friends and family thought I was insane) but this virus scared me and as a news junkie I had been following it from its first reports. In the last several weeks, my anxiety increased and I started limiting my outings into any crowded places, avoided public transportation and made my kids, 11 and 13, strip out of their clothes every day upon entering the house from school, shower and ...
How to safely order takeout and delivery food during coronavirus lockdown | New York Post

How to safely order takeout and delivery food during coronavirus lockdown | New York Post

News- US To take out or to eat-in? That is the question. While the coronavirus pandemic has dashed brunch plans for the foreseeable future, takeout and delivery from some of your favorite restaurants is still an option during the COVID-19 lockdown. Actually, since last Sunday, it’s the only option. But is it safe? Experts say yes, but with a few caveats. The Post spoke to Dr. Kristen Gibson, an associate professor of food safety and microbiology at the University of Arkansas, about what you should know before you dig in. “I wouldn’t say avoid eating to-go food,” she says. Plus, you probably won’t get COVID-19 through consuming food. “The risk of contracting coronavirus through food has been, and is, extremely small,” Martin Wiedmann, a professor of food safety in Cor...
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