New ‘sighting’ of Loch Ness monster captured in ‘most exciting’ photos ever
http://youtu.be/1wtnkcZ7W54 A “sighting” of the Loch Ness Monster has resulted in photos being called the “most exciting ever” by those on the hunt for the fabled creature. The photos — which show a “serpent”-like animal with its body on the surface of the loch — were actually taken in 2018, but photographer Chie Kelly, 51, kept them to herself in fear of public ridicule. However, now that there’s a large ongoing search for the famed water beast — the largest Loch Ness hunt in 50 years — Kelly, a translator, was convinced to put the photos out into the world. She and her husband, Scott, were having lunch at the Dores Inn on the banks of the loch in Inverness, Scotland, on Aug. 13, 2018 when she started to take photos. “I was just taking pictures with my Canon camera of Scott and our d...