Monday, March 3

News that Makes a Difference

News with analysis and different approach and views

Coronavirus: The unanswered questions around COVID-19

Coronavirus: The unanswered questions around COVID-19

News that Makes a Difference There are still so many unknowns around COVID-19, about how the virus is transmitted, how it attacks the body, why some people die and others show no symptoms. We’re still learning and trying to understand this complicated disease, Dawna Friesen looks into some the big questions that many are trying to answer. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #Coronavirus #TheNewReality
Coronavirus: Country star Brett Kissel talks about his Drive-In concerts solution

Coronavirus: Country star Brett Kissel talks about his Drive-In concerts solution

News that Makes a Difference Remember when you could go to a concert and thrive off all that energy in the crowd. The bands want it back and they're are looking for ways to perform on stage in front of a live audience. Canadian country music star Brett Kissel seems to have cracked it. He's come up with a kind of throw-back solution, drive-in concerts. You pull up, stay in your vehicle, and listen to the band. Brett Kissel talked to Dawna Friesen about his unique solution. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNew...
Coronavirus:  How the pandemic has changed the future of meat processing plants

Coronavirus: How the pandemic has changed the future of meat processing plants

News that Makes a Difference Every Canadian workplace has felt the effect of COVID-19. Among the hardest hit are meat processing plants where outbreaks have infected hundreds of workers. All facilities are now back in operation with new safety measures in place. But the virus has sent a shudder through the industry. Is it time for a fundamental re-think of how it's structured? Heather Yourex-West has more. Also, Dawna Friesen speaks with Temple Grandin, a professor and prominent proponent for the humane treatment of livestock for slaughter, about the future of the meat processing industry and what role automation may play in the future of the industry. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Glo...
Coronavirus: Will COVID-19 help flatten the curve on climate change?

Coronavirus: Will COVID-19 help flatten the curve on climate change?

News that Makes a Difference One thing that has benefitted from the pandemic is our climate. There's less pollution because we're flying less, driving less, and industry has slowed substantially. Greenhouse gas emissions plunged in April by about 17 per cent overall. As Jeff Semple explores, could this be a big blip or a golden opportunity to flatten the curve on climate change? For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #TheNewReality #ClimateChange
Coronavirus:  Back to school in Quebec but not back to normal

Coronavirus: Back to school in Quebec but not back to normal

News that Makes a Difference The province of Quebec took a gamble May 11, reopening elementary schools except for those in the Montreal metropolitan area, the region hit hardest by COVID-19. The belief was that the danger of reopening was outweighed by the potential damage of keeping vulnerable children out of school. One month into the reopening plan, Mike Armstrong visits an elementary school outside of Montreal to see how things have gone. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #The...
Coronavirus outbreak: Protesting during a pandemic

Coronavirus outbreak: Protesting during a pandemic

News that Makes a Difference After months of being told to stay inside, to keep our distance from other people, now, we're watching hundreds of thousands of people gather on the streets to protest police brutality and racial injustice, making an already deadly situation more complex. Dawna Friesen speaks with Dr. Onye Nnorom, a family Doctor and the Associate Program Director of the Public Health & Preventive Medicine Residency Program at the University of Toronto, about the challenges and concern of having so many people protesting together in close proximity knowing COVID-19 hasn’t gone away but also what it signals in terms of the level of outrage around racial injustice. Dr. Nnorom also addresses why race-based health data is so vital in pandemics like this and what action she would l...
Coronavirus: The growing problem of disposable PPE waste

Coronavirus: The growing problem of disposable PPE waste

News that Makes a Difference The term PPE or personal protective equipment has been added to all of our vocabularies. It's not only essential for health care workers, it's now part of our everyday lives - everything from masks to gloves. The problem is they're disposable and they're ending up in our rivers and oceans. The pandemic has created a new hazard to the environment. Redmond Shannon takes a look at how we can do better. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #TheNewReality #Coronavirus #PPE
Coronavirus: How to plan a summer vacation close to home

Coronavirus: How to plan a summer vacation close to home

News that Makes a Difference With travel still restricted in many places, summer vacations this year are going to happen close to home for millions of people. Tourism is a big economic driver in Canada with most of the economic activity generated by Canadians travelling to parks, campgrounds, cottages and attractions across the country. As Mike Drolet reports, this could be the year Canadians re-discover all the wonders of home. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #TheNewReality #Coronavirus #Staycation
Coronavirus:  Canada’s looming debt crisis

Coronavirus: Canada’s looming debt crisis

News that Makes a Difference Long before this pandemic, alarm bells were ringing about the amount of household debt Canadians are carrying. Now, the financial stress for many is through the roof. Some aren't earning at all, many are earning less, and millions are getting emergency benefits from the government. What happens when all that ends? David Akin explores that for us. Also, Dawna Friesen speaks with personal finance expert Preet Banerjee about the dangerous tipping point Canada is facing with the debt crisis and what if anything Canadians can do to insulate themselves from financial ruin. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow G...
Coronavirus: The rise of anti-Asian racism during COVID-19

Coronavirus: The rise of anti-Asian racism during COVID-19

News that Makes a Difference Before George Floyd was killed, this pandemic was infected with racism. Asian Canadians have been targeted with people lashing out at them in the mistaken belief that somehow their Asian descent makes them responsible for the novel coronavirus. As Robin Gill reports, it's reopening old wounds. Also, Dawna Friesen speaks with professor Carol Liao, who teaches law at UBC, about the rise of anti-Asian racism, how pervasive it is and what needs to be done to combat the issue. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: https://bi...
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