Sunday, March 9

World Top News

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Coronavirus: What is social distancing? – BBC News

Coronavirus: What is social distancing? – BBC News

World Top News Governments around the world are advising people to socially distance themselves in order to reduce pressures on health services and stop the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19). This is even more important now UK schools have been closed to most children. But what exactly is the advice on social distancing - and who should be doing it the most? And how exactly does it stop the spread of coronavirus? The BBC's health reporter, Laura Foster explains. Please subscribe HERE
How to clean your smartphone safely – BBC News

How to clean your smartphone safely – BBC News

World Top News While you may want to clean your smartphone, some substances can damage the device. Dr Lena Ciric, a microbiologist from University College London, says you can effectively clean your phone using just household soap and water. Video journalist: Chris Fox Please subscribe HERE
Coronavirus: Why we touch our faces and how to stop it – BBC News

Coronavirus: Why we touch our faces and how to stop it – BBC News

World Top News Several medical officials across the world have warned people to avoid touching their face as a key way to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Often when issuing the warning, they've gone on to - you guessed it - put their hands on their face. But why do we touch our faces in the first place? And is it that easy to just stop doing it all of a sudden? We spoke to psychologist Natasha Tiwari. Please subscribe HERE
Four ways to protect yourself from coronavirus – BBC News

Four ways to protect yourself from coronavirus – BBC News

World Top News People should be washing their hands for 20 seconds to protect themselves from the virus known as Covid-19. That's according to Public Health England. The UK government is still working to contain the outbreak but the prime minister has warned that it's "highly likely" the UK will see further infection. The BBC's online health editor, Michelle Roberts, and BBC digital health reporter, Laura Foster, examine the advice the NHS is giving when it comes to protecting yourself from the virus. Please subscribe HERE
Coronavirus and ibuprofen: Separating fact from fiction – BBC News

Coronavirus and ibuprofen: Separating fact from fiction – BBC News

World Top News Stories have been circulating online suggesting it's dangerous to take ibuprofen if you have coronavirus. Alongside genuine medical advice, false messages have been spreading, distorting the facts. Speaking to the BBC's outside source , medical professional said that ibuprofen is not recommended for managing coronavirus symptoms. Those already taking ibuprofen for other conditions should not stop without consulting a doctor, though. Please subscribe HERE #BBCOS #BBCOutsideSource
How do I know if I have coronavirus? – BBC News

How do I know if I have coronavirus? – BBC News

World Top News People who are showing particular symptoms are being told to self-isolate in order to stop the coronavirus from spreading further. In the UK, if you have a fever or a persistent cough, you should stay at home for seven days. The people you live with should stay at home for 14 days, and have food and medicine delivered. But how do you know if you’re just ill, feeling a bit ropey or if you have the symptoms of coronavirus? What do the symptoms of coronavirus feel like? BBC News’ Health and Science Reporter, Laura Foster, takes a look. Please subscribe HERE
Coronavirus: Do face masks work? – BBC News

Coronavirus: Do face masks work? – BBC News

World Top News As coronavirus continues to spread around the world, face masks are in high demand as people look for ways to protect themselves. But do they really protect most people from contracting the virus? Dr Shunmay Yeung from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine explains. Please subscribe HERE