Tuesday, March 4

Niall Horan ANNOYED & Over Selena Gomez Dating Speculation!

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Just in case you ever run into Niall Horan and have the urge to ask if he’s dating Selena Gomez…here’s some advice, just don’t. He’s REALLY getting annoyed by all the rumors!

What’s up? It’s Emile Ennis Jr. here with Clevver News and we’ve all heard about those Niall Horan and Selena Gomez dating rumors and we are getting a bit exhuasted by all of them! However; no one is more sick of these rumors than Niall himself.

He finally hammered the nail in the coffin this week about their relationship status, but we can’t forget that these hookup, relationship rumors started SOMEWHERE!

And these rumors go WAAAY back.

It all started back in 2015, at Jenna Dewan’s birthday party.

According to a source at the party, Selena and Niall apparently were seen making out at the event. And the source told E! News that “Selena seemed super into it. And Niall even more so” at the time of the alleged make out.

But a couple weeks after the rumored make out, Selena friend zoned Niall during an interview on the red carpet of the Billboard’s Women in Music event.

She made it clear that the two were just friends.

Then fast forward to late last year, Niall was photographed with Selena and a group of friends at dinner.

While this was a group photo, fans couldn’t help but freak out over the fact that Niall’s arm was around Selena.

Then shortly after this pic made waves on the internet, Sel gave Niall a shoutout on Instagram.

She posted to her IG story about his song “Nice To Meet Ya” as soon as it dropped.

And Niall returned the favor when “Lose you to love me” came out.

So like I said, these rumors run deep and have been going on for years.

But before we could get our hopes up too high, Niall shut down any dating rumors about the two of them during a radio interview. He revealed his relationship status to Australia’s Hit 90.9’s Brekkie Crew podcast.

Niall said quote, “Do I have a girlfriend? I don’t, no. I’m very much single. Very much single.”

He went on to say that quote, “If they’re just a friend of mine, I’m going out with them in the media, it doesn’t make a difference if I’m seeing them or not.”

But that somehow wasn’t enough to convince fans.

People are STILL speculating whether Niall and Selena have a secret romance, but Niall is here to set the record straight once and for all.

Niall just spoke to Australia’s KIIS FM about the quote ‘nonsense’ claims that he and Sel are an item. And he even mentioned a petition that was started by fans who wanted them to get together.

So when Niall was asked about all of this relationship nonsense going on with Selena Gomez, he immediately shut it down.

The show hosts asked Niall about the said petition that was going around online trying to get him and Selena Gomez together.

To which Niall responded with “Here we go again.”

He continued on and said quote, “This petition I feel like has been going on for I think eight years. Myself and Selena are really good friends with the same group of mates.”

But that wasn’t all.

Niall started to recount specific instances when the media incorrectly labeled him and Selena as an item.

And you know someone is annoyed by a topic when they start to whip out specific dates on the spot.

He said quote, “I remember I saw this stupid article a while ago of her walking out of my house or walking into my house or something like that and everyone was like, ‘Oh they’re together.’ There was also about 15 other people in there for a barbecue. It’s just typical absolute useless nonsense.”

So clearly the paps just accidentally on purpose forgot to photograph those other 15 people and focused solely on Sel leaving Niall’s place.

There you have it though, that’s Niall’s answer, are you guys satisfied yet?

I’m sorry to all the Nialena shippers, but I do have some good news.

On the bright side, Niall has made it VERY clear that he’s still single, sooo I’ve just got one question… who wants to start a petition for Niall to date you? Anyone?

But I want to know what you guys think about all of this.

Do you finally believe Niall that there’s nothing going on between him and Sel? And do you think we could possibly be getting a 1D reunion this year?

Let me know down in the comments below.

Then be sure to hit that subscribe button, click that notification bell and then move your cursor right on over here to check out another new video. Thanks so much for hanging out with me here on Clevver News, I’m Emile Ennis Jr. and I’ll catch you next time!

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