Sunday, March 9

Nick Jonas REVEALS This Song Is About Miley Cyrus!

Nick Jonas REVEALS This Song Is About Miley Cyrus!

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If you’re a true Jonas Brothers stan like I am, you’ve been waiting for what feels like forever for their new documentary “Chasing Happiness” to come out.

And now that it’s finally here, we are getting all the juicy Jo Bro details we never knew we needed, like the fact that Nick wrote a specific song about Miley Cyrus.

What’s up y’all? It’s Emile Ennis Jr. here and you’ll never guess which iconic Jo Bro song is about our girl Miley Cyrus.

The doc followed Nick, Kevin, and Joe as they rose to fame, their struggles, and their current happy marriages.

But it also talked about their work on Disney, including their cameo on Miley Cyrus’s show “Hannah Montana.”

The episode didn’t really give us any romantic moments between Nick and Miley, but it turns out that after meeting her, he couldn’t stop thinking about her and ended up writing the song…. Wait for it…. “Lovebug” about her.

I swear I had a feeling all along that Lovebug was about her but now we finally have confirmation.

Kevin remembered that moment when Nick was swept off his feet by Miley, he said quote, “We got to be on the Hannah Montana episode on the Disney Channel. That changed girls for Nick forever. When we met Miley, I think that kid’s head exploded.”

In “Chasing Happiness” fans get a throwback glimpse of Nick recording Lovebug and between singing he said, “I started writing about love and I actually knew what it felt like. For the first time, I was asking them the kinds of questions a younger brother can ask their older brothers.”

So, long before Priyanka Chopra and Nick were the cutest couple ever, Nick and Miley Cyrus dated from 2006 to 2007 before their big breakup.

And thankfully Nick and Miley have remained friends over the years, even after breaking up.

The Jonas Brothers didn’t say whether any of their other songs were written about their past relationships, but hey I’ll take what I can get. High school me is loving this Disney channel nostalgia.

And Twitter agrees. Everyone is obsessing over this revelation. Brace yourselves because emotions are high.

One person wrote quote, “nick jonas was only 16 years old when he wrote love bug that’s a song specifically about how he fell in love with miley cyrus the very first time he saw her “

Same girl, same.

And with all this love in the air I can’t help but wonder… Both Miley and the Jonas Brothers are releasing new music, could we possibly get a new collab?! I would probably die of happiness.

Alright guys, now I want to hear from you. Were you surprised to find out that Lovebug is about Miley? And would you be down for a modern day Jonas Brother and Miley Cyrus collab?

Let me know in the comments section below.

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I’m Emile Ennis Jr. thanks y’all for watching and I’ll see you next time.

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