Tuesday, March 18

Nicki Minaj Talks UPCOMING ALBUM After Saying She’s Retiring!

Nicki Minaj Talks UPCOMING ALBUM After Saying She's Retiring!

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This month has been a WILD ride for the Barbz with Nicki Minaj announcing her retirement, but now it looks like she has a new album coming out.

What’s up? It’s Sussan Mourad here with Clevver News and none of us have been able to forget the devastating series of tweets that took place a couple weeks ago.

On September 5th Nicki Minaj tweeted then deleted a tweet that said quote, “I’ve decided to retire and have my family. To my fans, keep reppin me, do it til the death of me. X in the box cause aint nobody checkin me. Love you for life.”

And obviously this sent the Barbz into a completely flurry, no one could make sense of it, not even her team.

A source told TMZ this retirement announcement came out of nowhere and it blindsided everyone. It was especially upsetting and shocking since Nicki has been in the studio working on new music in recent weeks!

But the following day Nicki cleared things up on Twitter.

She defended herself to a heart broken fan and said quote, “I’m still right here. Still madly in love with you guys & you know that. In hindsight, this should’ve been a Queen Radio discussion & it will be. I promise u guys will be happy. No guests, just us talking about everything. The tweet was abrupt & insensitive, I apologize babe.”

And it looked like the source was right, Nicki HAS been working on new music.

In a new article with our sister publication Elle Magazine, she talked about her upcoming album.

I guess retirement got boring real quick!

When asked about her new album Nicki calls it quote, “fierce, fun, and unapologetic.”

She also added that quote, “It’s probably the most excited I’ve been about an album release in a really long time. I’m happy that we’re not making my fans wait for another album, like I’ve done in the past.”

She continued on and said quote, “This one incorporates all the things people love about Nicki, but it also just has a way bigger sound, so it goes perfectly with the collection.”

And fans are obviously just as confused and excited as we are about this news.

She’s just out here talking about her album as if she didn’t just talk about retiring!

One person tweeted quote, “Wait didn’t she retire like two seconds ago?”

And another fan came to Nicki’s defense and said quote, “Shut up saying she retired, she’s going after this fifth album”

Many others shared that sentiment saying things like “queen of rap is coming !!!”

And “she’s about to show the girls how it’s done.”

Back when the news of her alleged retirement broke, sources were saying Nicki just needed a break.

The source told TMZ that Nicki may just be taking a much needed break from the public scrutiny and this is just a moment to chill and rejuvinate!

And we support that! Anything she needs and I’m not complaining if we’re getting a new album!

But I want to know what you guys think.

Were you surprised to see that Nicki was working on a new album after all the retirement talk? And when do you think we’ll be getting this new album?!

I know I can’t wait.

Let me know what you think down in the comments below.

After that, be sure to hit that subscribe button and click that bell so you never miss an update, and then click right over here for another news story. Thanks for hanging out with me here on Clevver News, I’m XXX and have a great weekend friends!

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