Tuesday, March 18

OceanGate CEO compared glue holding Titan sub together to peanut butter

OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush once compared the glue holding the doomed Titan submersible together to “peanut butter” — and called the tourist vessel’s carbon-fiber hull design “pretty simple.”

Rush was overseeing the bonding of the sub’s titanium ring and carbon-fiber hull when he made the odd statement in a 2018 video posted on the company’s YouTube channel, Insider reported.

He said the glue used for the task was “very thick, so it’s not like Elmer’s Glue,” adding that “it’s like peanut butter.”

Read more at https://nypost.com/2023/07/06/oceangate-ceo-compared-glue-holding-titan-sub-together-to-peanut-butter/

#oceangate #titanic #submersible

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