Monday, March 17

Party yacht doc Scott Burke, who was busted with drugs, guns and ‘prostitutes,’ has terminal cancer

The retired surgeon whose party yacht was busted in Nantucket Harbor last week with guns, drugs and alleged prostitutes aboard has stage 4 terminal cancer and is not expected to live much longer, his attorney revealed.

Scott Burke, 69, was described as a good citizen and a humanitarian who is living out his last days with late-stage cancer by defense attorney Henry Brennan.

The lawyer spoke last Thursday during a pretrial hearing, where he successfully argued against jailing his client.

“To have this man potentially spend the rest of his life waiting for a case in jail, to me, would be very, very tragic,” Brennan told Nantucket District Judge James Sullivan, according to the Nantucket Current.

Although Brennan did not state what type of cancer Burke has, a captain working in the harbor told The Post he previously gave a ride to two people delivering “cancer medication” to Burke’s 80-foot vessel, the Jess Conn, the day after the doctor was arrested last Tuesday.


#scottburke #yacht #nantucket

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