Monday, March 31

Passengers on Aeromexico flight crouch in fear as plane caught in cartel crossfire: video | NY Post

Passengers on Aeromexico flight crouch in fear as plane caught in cartel crossfire: video | NY Post

“That’s an attack plane, Dad,” said one of David Tellez’s young children as they spotted Mexican military aircraft touching down alongside their Aeromexico passenger plane early on Thursday.

Then the gunfire began.

“As we were accelerating for take-off, we heard gunshots very close to the plane, and that’s when we all threw ourselves to the floor,” Tellez said after the incident in the northern city of Culiacan.

Violence broke out on Thursday throughout Culiacan after the arrest of Ovidio Guzman, the son of the notorious drug lord known as El Chapo, and a senior member of the Sinaloa cartel.

Aeromexico said nobody on Tellez’s flight had been hurt. The Culiacan airport closed shortly after, as security forces patrolled the city, which was strewn with burned vehicles, attempting to contain the violent backlash.


#aeromexico #mexico #caughtoncamera #ovidioguzman #culiacan

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