Tuesday, March 4

Pete Davidson Is A Runway MODEL & Walked With Kendall Jenner

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Pete Davidson’s resume just got a little bigger, as he made his very first runway debut in New York City over the weekend, and NO, this is not a prank.

What’s up guys, it’s your host Emile Ennis Jr. back here on Clevver News, and it looks like Pete Davidson has taken up a new hobby that doesn’t involve roasting himself, roasting others or reliving past relationships with famous exes by way of ‘comedy sketches.’ That’s right guys — Pete is tacking on ‘male runway model’ to his long list of talents as of this weekend.

The SNL host made his runway debut Friday night in a complete surprise appearance, walking for major designer Alexander Wang’s Collection1 2020 show in NYC, and this is actually kind of a big deal considering he walked alongside major supermodels like Kendall Jenner and Kaia Gerber.

Pete looked cool, calm and collected as he walked the runway wearing a plain white tank that flaunted his gajillion tattoos, two-toned black and white jeans, a logo belt, backward baseball hat and casual sneakers. An outfit that only looks affordable until you see the actual price tag and shed a tiny tear or two.

According to Page Six, Pete seemingly took his new gig very seriously, and the second he made his grand debut, the crowd was in full applause. This was probably due to the fact that Alexander Wang made the event open to the public, inviting New Yorkers to watch from the Rockefeller Center’s upper plaza.

Wang also gushed about the opportunity to work with Pete, telling The Cut, QUOTE, “For this collection, I was like, ‘Hey, Pete. Would you want to walk?’ And he literally responded immediately like, ‘Yeah, sure.’ The whole time I thought he was going to chicken out and get too nervous and not want to do it, but he was such a sport and he killed it.”

An actual not-made-up quote from THE Alexander Wang, folks. Looks like agencies will have to form an orderly line to sign Pete from here on out… But right now, I’m curious to know what you think about Pete’s new hobby he ever-so-randomly just picked up. Stick to self-deprecating humor, or does this suit him perfectly? Share all your thoughts down here in the comments below.

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