Sunday, March 30

Pint-sized man, 26, poses as teen at Nebraska high schools, now charged with sex crimes: officials

A pint-sized 26-year-old Nebraska man posed as teenage student to “blend in” at two high schools last year — and now he’s been nabbed on sexual assault and sex trafficking charges, officials alleged.

Using the alias Zak Hess, Zachary Scheich pretended to be a 17-year-old junior to enroll at Northwest High School in Lincoln and then transferred to Southeast High School to commit the alleged crimes, the Journal Star reported, citing local police.

“I’ve been in the district for 10 years, and this is the first time that I can remember something like this happening,” Lincoln public schools security chief Joe Wright told WLKN.

Scheich “blended in with other students” and spent a total of 54 days at both schools during the 2022-23 academic year, Assistant Police Chief Brian Jackson said.

The diminutive suspect — who is 5-foot-4 and weighs 120 pounds — graduated from Southeast High in 2015, officials said.


#nebraska #lincoln #zacharyscheich #crime

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