Friday, March 28

Priest accused of inviting two nuns to take part in a ‘Holy Trinity’ threesome | New York Post

Priest accused of inviting two nuns to take part in a ‘Holy Trinity’ threesome | New York Post

A Jesuit priest who is reportedly close to Pope Francis has been accused of inviting two nuns to partake in a “Holy Trinity” threesome — and is now facing allegations of sexual and spiritual abuse dating back decades.

A former nun claims that Marko Ivan Rupnik used his “psycho-spiritual” control over her some three decades ago in order to make her watch pornographic films and have group sex sessions that he said would have religious significance.

Rupnik, 68, was a spiritual director of a convent in Slovenia and has created mosaics for churches including a papal chapel at the Vatican.

The former nun told the Italian newspaper Domani that “Father Marko started slowly and sweetly getting inside my psychological and spiritual world, exploiting my uncertainties and fragility and using my relationship with God to push me into sexual experiences with him,” according to the Daily Mail.


#priest #slovenia #narkorupnik

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