Friday, March 7

Rehabilitated wild monkey gets huge hug from family when released.

This is the touching moment a monkey was given a HUGE hug by its family after it was released back into the wild.

The clip, which was filmed in Amanzimtoti, South Africa last October, shows Tracy Rowles releasing a rehabilitated vervet monkey called Pearce.

A student at Kingsway High School in Amanzimtoti spotted the young vervet monkey in need of help with a seriously injured leg.

The student contacted Umsizi Vervet Rescue Centre, a rescue organisation run by Rowles.

A team of volunteers went out as quickly as they could and, after hours of trying, eventually caught Pearce.

Pearce’s family members were furious, fearing the team was going to hurt the young monkey.

Pearce was taken to the vet and then to the rescue centre to recover.

Three weeks later and it was time for him to be released, but finding Pearce’s family was far from easy. Vervet monkeys roam for many miles.

However, after hours of searching, the team eventually located them sitting on top of a building on some school football fields.

When Rowles opened the cage, Pearce hopped out and climbed the building on which his family were sitting.

Recognising him at once, a family member hauled him onto the roof where he was embraced warmly by his troop, who had perhaps feared they’d never see him again.

The video was filmed by long-time volunteer Nigel Wright.

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