Friday, March 28

Robert F. Kennedy Jr: ‘It is insane to even keep NATO going’

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suggested this last week that NATO should be disbanded.

“It is insane to even keep NATO going. Russia lost the cold war. The people who run Russia are people who we want running Russia. Let’s help them the way we did Germany and Japan after that war with the Marshall plan. That’s not what we did,” Kennedy, 69, told guests during a press dinner Tuesday at Tony’s Di Napoli on East 63d Street in the Upper East Side.

Kennedy, who is staging a long-shot bid to oust President Biden in the 2024 Democratic primary made the remarks during a question an answer portion of the dinner — before the event infamously dissolved into a miasma of beer and farting.

“If you treat somebody like your enemy. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. They’e going to become your enemy. I certainly would not have moved NATO to the east if I had been president,” Kennedy said.


#robertfkennedyjr #rfkjr #nato #politics

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