Monday, March 10

Selena Gomez ANNOUNCES New Album Release Date!

Selena Gomez ANNOUNCES New Album Release Date!

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Well, this story is about something we’ve been expecting for years. Something we’ve hoped, and waited, and for all Selenators – even dreamed of. I’ll admit it! I’ve had dreams of Selena Gomez dropping a new album, and now it’s officially official! What’s up guys it’s Emile Ennis Jr and you heard right – after 4 long years, Selena Gomez announced that she’ll be dropping a new album early next year. As in less than two months from now! Actually, she didn’t announce it herself, but rather it was Apple Music who let the world know. Fans of Selena and Apple Music, like myself, woke up early on Thursday and, when we went to do our daily morning listen of “Lose You To Love Me”, we saw a special surprise waiting for us.

Right at the top of her artist page, there was a new announcement – it read “SG2. Coming January 10, 2020.”But that was just the tip of the iceberg. When you click on the announcement, it brings you to the album page, as if it were an album that were already released. It gave us a lot of information from there. Like, that the album will have 13 songs on it.Could this a possible nod to her bestie Taylor Swift whose favorite number is 13?!? And that the two songs she’s released already, “Look at Her Now” and “Lose You to Love Me” will be songs number 3 and 4 on her album, respectively. We know the highly publicized breakups are definitely about Justin Bieber and possibly The Weeknd! Now, before I go any further, what I find weird about this is that the bio calls this her “third studio album”, but it’s actually called “SG2” at the top of the page. That insinuates that it’s only her second solo album. This became a shortcut for fans to talk about upcoming albums by their favorite artists by abbreviating the artist’s name along with how many albums they’ve had.
So it wouldn’t be unheard of if Selena does the same thing and names this one SG2 or SG3, whatever she’s feeling like that day. There ain’t no rules to naming your albums, people! Sources say that this will be a self-titled album. Wikipedia even has the album named “Selena Gomez”.Usually, an artist’s self-titled album is often the album that they feel the most passionate about, or that really exemplifies their sound. Naming your album by your own name is really personal, so if this upcoming album by Selena IS a self-titled album, we can expect something great.Her first single from this era “Lose You To Love Me” was almost certainly about Justin Bieber, and drew out a little bit of drama between her and Justin’s wife Hailey.
But you know, besides Justin, I’m thinking maybe we will hear some songs about The Weeknd too.I mean, he released basically a whole album about Selena and Bella Hadid. He went as far as to say that Selena was nothing compared to Bella in his song “Wasted Times”.The chorus sings “Wasted times I spent with someone else. She wasn’t even half of you.”Ouch. And Selena never had the chance to defend herself. Until now.Apple music did a brief sit-down interview with Selena, as told in the album announcement, where they talked about why she waited so long to come out with new music. But Selena HAS released music since her last album. Besides her collaborations with Marshmallow for Wolves, Benny Blanco for “I can’t get enough”, and Ozuna for “Taki Taki”. In 2017, two years after her last album “Revival” released, Selena came out with two songs “Fetish” and “Bad Liar”, which were thought to be her two lead singles for an album that didn’t end up coming. Of course, it must be really hard to read about your own life over and over again on the internet, from people who don’t have your best interest at heart and who are just making things up to get a quick dime.Selena, who once held the record for more instagram followers than anybody else, is one of the biggest stars of our generation. She often has more headlines written about her than the rest of her Disney channel stars combined. Also, we can expect to hear nothing but Selena. She’s said in a recent interview that she doesn’t expect to have any features on her upcoming album.I’ve gotta say, I’ve never seen an album release announcement like this before, where it is just laid out for all to see right on Apple Music.

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