Sunday, March 16

Selena Gomez & Taylor Swift SPEAK OUT On Toxic Breakup With Justin Bieber!

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We’ve been waiting for this day for what seems like forever, so sit back, relax, and listen to Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift dish about the infamous Jelena era.

What’s up guys, happy Monday, it’s Sussan Mourad back here on Clevver News, and we’re here to serve up some hot tea for your Monday.

Pretty much, Zane Lowe is basically a magician and deserves a massive raise, because somehow he managed to get some solid truth bombs out of Selena Gomez as if we haven’t actually been chasing her for information following her split with Justin Bieber back in 2018.

Selena Gomez has had quite the busy week, dropping two new songs putting her ex on blast, doing damage control with her ex’s wifey, and giving very detailed interviews about a very public relationship with her ex.

Oh, and in case you didn’t catch on yet, that “ex” is Justin Bieber. Just needed to make sure there’s no confusion.

But Selena wasn’t the only one who had a busy week. She sat down with Zane Lowe, who was also the guy who interviewed Kanye West earlier in the week, and, well… you can only imagine how that went.

Oh, and Zane also caught up with Taylor Swift. Yeah, busy guy.

First was Taylor’s interview! She made the bold statement of calling Selena’s new song “Lose You To Love Me” the “best thing she’s ever done.”

Taylor also added QUOTE, “She’s been through so much. I’ve watched so much happen in her life and had a front row seat to so much, and I’m so proud of her.”

Zane then asked Taylor how Selena has changed throughout the years, and without being obvious, I mean, look at the girl. She’s tackled her private life being scrutinized, her professional life being picked apart and she’s also kicking an autoimmune disease’s ‘you know what.’

But Taylor’s response was basically perfect, in typical Taylor fashion. She said that Selena could actually answer that better than she could, but went on to gush about her long-time bestie, saying, “I’m really excited because when somebody has had great life experiences, has had really tough things they’ve had to go through and they can process that and make art that’s going to help other people, that’s what kind of song this is. I’m stoked.”

It was later that day when Zane caught up with Selena Gomez and played Taylor’s response back for her. Sel ended up getting a little choked up when she recalled how Taylor was there for her through it all.

She said QUOTE, “She was frustrated when I was frustrated; she was sad when I was sad. I think they [Selena’s friends] visibly saw me in so much pain. And they didn’t want it for me but they never stopped loving me.”

So while she didn’t specifically say Justin’s name during the interview, it was rather obvious when she mentioned her nearly 10-year-on-off relationship with him, also admitting that the breakup was “awful” and “pretty terrible.”

Selena did admit that when all was said and done and the two called it quits FOR REALS in 2018, she was actually ok with calling it quits.

She said, “I think I had experienced years of it already so I wasn’t really thrown off, but I was just exhausted. My heart was just so tired, and I think that allowing myself to just say that was important for me.”

Amen to that, sister. So we’re not exactly sure if Justin is too busy enjoying married life, or got a case of the sweats last week, AKA the Week of Selena, but Selena only hopes that the subject of her songs is aware and soaking up alllllll the lyrics have to offer.

She told on-air host Zach Sang in a later interview QUOTE, “Yeah, I do,” when asked if she hopes “the individual” who the songs are about, absolutely hears them loud and clear.

Sel was also asked if it’s hard being so open in songs and putting it all out there, especially when people are going to make assumptions about who she’s singing about. She responded QUOTE, “No. It used to, and it would cripple me and I’d have so much fear about it because I thought people would judge me… I’ve allowed myself to shut all of that out.”

So there you have it… I personally don’t know how you could get much more in-depth detail without blatantly mentioning the words ‘my ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber”… but what’s the fun in that, right?

Anyway, I want to know all your thoughts on Selena and Taylor’s interviews. Are we all on the same page that she’s not-so-subtly referring to Justin? But get to talking down here in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe and hit that bell so you never miss an update.

Then be sure to click right over here for another news update. As always, I’m your host, Sussan Mourad and I’ll see ya later.

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