Monday, March 31

Shane Dawson SUFFERS From Rare Condition/ Disorder!

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Shane Dawson just revealed he’s living with a rare condition called misophonia (ME-SO-PHONE-E-AH). Don’t know what that is? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

What’s up y’all? It’s Emile Ennis Jr. here with Clevver News and yesterday, Shane Dawson tweeted about experiencing misophonia and how the condition makes him feel exhausted and isolated.

He said quote, “living with misophonia is really exhausting and can make u feel very isolated but just know that you aren’t alone. i didn’t even know there was a term for it until this year and now that i know it’s not something i’m making up in my head it’s helped a bit.”

So what is misophonia? In Shane’s tweet, he included a couple videos explaining what it is.

“those who are suffering … things that can be really triggering.”

And we did some of our own research and found that the sounds that trigger it are usually soft sounds.

One study found that about 80% of the sounds were related to the mouth and around 60% were repetitive. So naturally, sounds that trigger misophonia sufferers include eating, slurping, chewing gum, and whispering.

SO, I’m going to guess this drives Shane crazy!

EHH… I hate that too!

But it’s important to note that there’s a difference between misophonia and just being annoyed by a sound. Misophonia sufferers will have more extreme reactions to these triggering sounds, such as involuntary anger, aggression, or discomfort.

And fans are rallying around Shane with support, some even sharing their own experiences with misophonia.

One person wrote quote, “the hardest part of this is that others don’t understand me, they think I’m exaggerating”

To which Shane responded quote, “my whole childhood i was told “stop being so irritable”. i always had so much guilt over it. but now that i know it’s not my fault it’s helped a lot. next time someone thinks ur exaggerating send them a video on it. maybe it will help?”

And another fan wrote quote, “Mine has made me turn nasty towards people and I feel so bad and I’m trying to work on it :(“

Shane also responded to this fan saying quote, “me too 🙁 just know u aren’t alone and next time u feel like snapping just remember that ur not crazy and that it’s a very real thing. knowing that it’s a real thing has helped me a lot and made me feel less guilty all the time for getting internally frustrated”

So thank you Shane, for yet again, speaking out on an issue that doesn’t have a whole lot of awareness.

I want to know what your experiences are with misophonia.

Do you think you also suffer from this condition? And what do you think about Shane speaking out about it?

Let me know down in the comments below.

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