Thursday, March 27

Shocking moment neighbor executes NYC dad and stepson during argument over noise

Shocking moment neighbor executes NYC dad and stepson during argument over noise

Chilling video shows the moment a crazed neighbor executed a father and his stepson in cold blood in a Brooklyn apartment hallway during an argument over noise Sunday night.

The distressing footage obtained by The Post opens with a man dressed in all black pacing angrily outside his upstairs neighbors’ apartment on the fourth floor of 1418 Brooklyn Ave. in a well-known East Flatbush housing complex where stars Barbra Streisand and Michael K. Williams grew up.

A woman emerges from the apartment and exchanges words with the neighbor. A short time later, she is joined by her son, identified by cops as 27-year-old Chinwai Mode. The video has no audio, so it is unknown what was said during the exchange.

Moments later, Mode’s stepfather, 47-year-old school bus driver Bladimy Mathurin, marches out of the apartment brandishing a pair of scissors and angrily confronts the neighbor, the video shows.

His wife tries to drag him away, but the bodybuilder dad of four pushes her back.


#brooklyn #crime #nyc

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