Sunday, March 30

Shocking video shows carjackers forcing Audi driver out at gunpoint in crime-ridden Chicago

Shocking video shows carjackers forcing Audi driver out at gunpoint in crime-ridden Chicago

Shocking video shows a coordinated gang of carjackers forcing a driver out of his Audi at gunpoint and leaving him lying in the middle of a Chicago road as other cars drive by.

The newly revealed footage shows an Audi A4 pulled over on a four-lane road with its headlights on when two other vehicles approach from the other direction — turning to trap the Audi by blocking it at the front and rear.

At first, the Audi rolls forward as the desperate 27-year-old driver tries to escape, but within seconds, at least three men leap from the surrounding vehicles — with at least one pointing a gun at him.

The targeted driver is then dragged out and thrown to the ground as the gang “displayed handguns and demanded the victim’s vehicle,” Chicago police said.

An attacker is seen tying the driver’s hands behind his back, leaving him face-down in the street as others enter his car.


#chicago #crime #caughtoncamera

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