Sunday, March 30

Shocking video shows US soldier appearing to let migrants onto private property in Texas | NY Post

Shocking video shows US soldier appearing to let migrants onto private property in Texas | NY Post

Shocking footage appears to show a US soldier opening a gate to let a steady stream of border crossers onto private property in Texas — then watching as a bus pulls up to whisk them away.

Footage shared by Fox LA reporter Bill Melugin late Monday starts with a woman in military gear calmly backing up from a high fence in Eagle Pass as the gate is opened up.

In just over a minute, dozens of people casually walk through the opening — with others still slowly walking toward it as the clip ends.

As they enter, a small craft watches from the river, which Melugin said was the Border Patrol.

The same female soldier who appeared to have opened the gate then comes back into the frame, calmly watching the new arrivals as a white bus pulls up with another vehicle behind.

Melugin said the clip, from early Monday, “shows a large group of migrants crossing illegally onto private property.”

The Texas National Guard denied the soldier was one of its troops — instead saying it was “a Title 10 soldier from the Missouri [Army National Guard]” under orders from the federal government and working with the Border Patrol.


#texas #migrants #border

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