Sunday, March 16

South Dakota state rep calls Mount Rushmore a ‘Freemason shrine,’ ‘demonic portal’ for communism

A South Dakota state representative bizarrely claimed that the state’s Mount Rushmore is a “Freemason shrine,” and a demonic portal for communism.

Joe Donnell, who represents South Dakota’s District One in the state legislature, said during an appearance on the Now Is The Time podcast that his oddball revelation about the iconic national monument came from “The Lord.”

“If you go back and do some history on Mount Rushmore, it actually is a Freemason shrine,” Donnell says in a viral video clip of the podcast posted by Right Wing Watch.

“What the Lord has revealed to me is that Mount Rushmore has a direct ley line to Washington, DC.”

Donnell then went on to explain the nefarious significance of a “ley line” — which is described as a path of spiritual energy that passes from one place to another.


#mountrushmore #joedonnell #southdakota

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