Monday, March 31

Speeding skier charged with manslaughter after killing 5-year-old in crash on slopes | New York Post

Speeding skier charged with manslaughter after killing 5-year-old in crash on slopes | New York Post

A 5-year-old British girl was killed during a skiing lesson in the French Alps when another skier slammed into her “at high speed,” according to officials who charged the man with manslaughter.

The girl, only identified as Ophélie, was with four other children getting a lesson on the supposed safety of a beginners’ slope in Flaine on Saturday morning, local prosecutor Karline Bouisset told Sky News.

As she went to turn, the youngster “was very violently hit by the skier arriving at high speed who tried in vain to avoid her,” Bouisset said.

The speeding skier, a 40-year-old local volunteer firefighter, immediately tried to give her first aid, the UK broadcaster said.

#Skiing #Manslaughter #Accident

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