Monday, March 10

‘Stranger Things’ 4 SPOILER Theories!

'Stranger Things' 4 SPOILER Theories!

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Stranger Things fans were left wallowing in a puddle of tears at the end of Season 3 when Hopper’s fate was completely up in the air, but a teaser for Season 4 has officially dropped, and LONG LIVE HOPPER… So stick with us as we break down all the Season 4 fan theories surrounding what exactly went down with our favorite hero. What’s up guys, it’s XXXXX back here on Clevver News, and WINTER. IS. COMING. That’s right, I’m taking a page straight out of Game of Thrones on this one, because Stranger Things Season 4 is officially underway…Only this time, we’re doing a little traveling outside of the Hawkins, Indiana bubble, and heading to the frigid depths of Russia.The official Stranger Things Instagram account posted a teaser video this morning, seemingly confirming Hopper’s return, captioned, “From Russia with love,” annnnd shout-out to Netflix for the epic spoiler…..Fans were left on a massive cliffhanger at the end of Season 3 after thinking Jim Hopper died after getting too close to the upside down portal.In the last few seconds of the season finale, we heard about “The American,” and apparently our hopes and dreams have officially been answered, because Hopper has somehow transported to the Russian prison.Naturally the fans are BUZZING with theories, so let’s break it down, shall we?One theory suggests that Hopper was transported through time when the whole explosion during the battle of Starcourt Mall went down. This theory came to fruition as fans recalled way back to the beginning of Stranger Things when the boys science teacher, Mr. Clarke, explained to the boys that they could potentially rescue Will from the Upside Down. Remember the whole acrobat, tightrope and flea explanation? “Acrobats” can only travel forward and backward, but a flea, in this case Will, and now Hopper, can use the same tightrope traveling up and down AKA between dimensions.Ok that was even a lot to take in for me, but David Harbour’s very own theory is put in much simpler terms, and YES, he’s technically a ‘fan’ so don’t @ me.I assume since this interview, David prooooobably knows the fate of his own character, but I’m intrigued to say the least. Another theory found on Reddit, suggests that whoever it was that ‘saved’ Hopper, has yet to be revealed, and that they may stem from the same family as Eleven.The user added that ‘B’ will be like the new Alexei, winning over the hearts of viewers.This is also super interesting: When followers in the thread asked how this user came up with the name ‘B’, the user responded by saying, “Every season someone starting with B died — Benny, Barb, Bob, Billy. He’ll be the B of season 4.”Plus, David Harbour DID suggest that his character needed to ‘emerge as a different person’… the plot thickens, y’all.And finally, the dynamic duo that is the Duffer Brothers, AKA the Stranger Things creators have teased in the past that they’d always wanted to give Hopper his big ‘Han Solo sacrifice moment.’And for those of you non-Star Wars fans, basically Han turned out to be alive, but was being held prisoner by Jabba the Hut after sacrificing himself.Matt Duffer dished the inspiration behind the decision for Hopper to sacrifice himself to Entertainment Weekly, saying QUOTE, “We always wanted to give him a darker ending. It was emotional to shoot but it was really, really quick. David never asked for music but I think we did play some emotional music when we shot David’s final look at Winona.”Ross Duffer went on to add, “There’s a tragedy there but there’s also a little bit of “it’s okay” to Joyce. There’s so much going on in his eyes and you can only script that so much.’ So will he come back like the captain of the Millennium Falcon, after being held prisoner by the Russians (aka Jabba the Hut)?”Soooooo apparently Hopper lives on, but the real question is… HOW?!You’ve heard the theories, so now it’s time for you guys to do the talking… which of these theories do you think seems most accurate?Get to talking right down here in the comments, and feel free to share any theories of your own.After that, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel, click that notification bell and then click right over here to check out another new video.Thanks so much for tuning in, I’m your host XXXXX and I’ll see ya next time!

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