Monday, March 31

Tag: science

Abandoned Medieval Town Is Home to a Mysterious Statue

Abandoned Medieval Town Is Home to a Mysterious Statue

Science, Tech and Gadgets Ross Island is a small territory in the Indian Ocean. They used to call this island the Paris of the East, but now it’s nothing like it used to be, with all the architecture almost entirely covered in tree roots and vines. Another famous abandoned spot is a castle that dominates the view in Craco, a city in Italy. One of the highlights of the tour of it is a statue that seemingly came out of nowhere and now lies in a body of water. So, are you ready for a mysterious and spooky tour of some abandoned places around the world? #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and...
A Train Went Missing And Reappeared in Other Eras

A Train Went Missing And Reappeared in Other Eras

Science, Tech and Gadgets Back in 1911, a standard train was scheduled to depart from a railway station in Rome, hoping to reach the city of Milan. As it was completing its journey, the train was supposed to pass through a long tunnel. It did enter it but never came out the other end of the tunnel. Fifteen years later, a story spread about a group of 104 Italian people that popped up in Mexico City, claiming they had arrived by train from Rome, 66 years before the train even departed in the first place! Could this mysterious story be real, and is it the only one of its kind? #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright ...
This Island Is Rotating And Nobody Knows Its Mystery

This Island Is Rotating And Nobody Knows Its Mystery

Science, Tech and Gadgets This video discusses an island that was first discovered in 1876 but was later removed from all maps. In 2012, the island reappeared on Google Maps, and researchers were able to find it using echolocation devices. However, they were still unable to find any signs of human activity on the island. Some theories suggest that the island is actually a piece of technology created by space civilizations. #brightside Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Lord Howe Island phasmid: By Granitethighs, Lord Howe Island stick insect Pengo: Peter Halasz, Animation is created by Bright Side. -----------------------------------...
This Island Hides Something That Doesn’t Want You There

This Island Hides Something That Doesn’t Want You There

Science, Tech and Gadgets Are you ready to explore some new unique places? Then let's get on a boat: looks like a huge vessel has just sunk in the distance. In a couple of minutes, you see a small piece of land appear right in front of your eyes. It's releasing flames and lava. For the next three years, the small island covered with volcanoes will be slowly emerging from the water. Every day it'll erupt and fill the sky with black ash. What secret is it hiding? #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscrib...
The COVID-19 Vaccines Are Here. So What Happens Next?

The COVID-19 Vaccines Are Here. So What Happens Next?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Getting approval for one or more COVID-19 vaccines is just the first step on the long journey we've been on now. » Subscribe to Seeker! » Watch more Elements! » Visit our shop at The three vaccines currently farthest along in their development and approval processes are all using new technologies; Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, Moderna’s mRNA vaccine, and AstraZeneca’s vaccine in partnership with Oxford University, which is what’s called a recombinant vector vaccine that uses DNA. Right now, Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is what’s being actively administered in countries like the UK, the US, and Canada. On December 18th, Moderna’s mRNA vaccine was approved in the US as well. After more tha...
What Happens When a Virus Hijacks Your Heart?

What Happens When a Virus Hijacks Your Heart?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Myocarditis, a rare heart condition that can stem from some common viruses and bacterial infections, often affects young people, has very few symptoms, and goes largely undiagnosed. » Subscribe to Seeker! » Watch more SICK | » Visit our shop at In this SICK, we sit down with Dr. DeLisa Fairweather, a PhD researcher from the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Fairweather has studied myocarditis for roughly 25 years. Unlike atherosclerosis, which is commonly linked to heart attacks, and involves your vessels and arteries, Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle itself and is often caused by viral infections, like Coxsackie (a.k.a. hand, foot, and mouth disease), i...
What Happens When Someone Gets Dengue Fever?

What Happens When Someone Gets Dengue Fever?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne disease caused by a virus of the same name, is also referred to as breakbone fever, but that should be the least of your concerns...what you need to worry about is a complete system shutdown. » Subscribe to Seeker! » Watch more SICK | Most commonly found in tropical regions, dengue puts 40-50% of the global population at risk. With symptoms ranging from fever, rashes, painful joint and muscle aches and vomiting, dengue symptoms can resemble the flu, but it can become life-threatening in a much different way. Seeker spoke with Dr. Shannon Bennett from the California Academy of Sciences. Dr. Bennett is the curator of microbiology and the chief of science—in addition, she als...
What Happens When a Human Gets Rabies?

What Happens When a Human Gets Rabies?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Rabies has been scaring populations for thousands of years, but it's scary for more reasons than just a painful bite. Once the virus is inside us, it not only destroys our body, but damages our mind, and it can happen fast, or lay dormant for years before fatally attacking. So how exactly do we get from a dog bite to a complete behavioral change to...death? ____________________ SICK is a new series that looks at how diseases actually work inside our body. We'll be visiting medical centers and talking to top researchers and doctors to uncover the mysteries of viruses, bacteria, fungi and our own immune system. Come back every Tuesday for a new episode and let us know in the comments which diseases you think we should cover next. ____________________ Read Mor...
What Happens If Earth Loses Its Clouds?

What Happens If Earth Loses Its Clouds?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Clouds are essential to regulating Earth's temperature, but what happens if they disappear? Why a Half Degree Rise in Global Temperature Would Be Catastrophic - Read More: A World Without Clouds "To imagine 12 degrees of warming, think of crocodiles swimming in the Arctic and of the scorched, mostly lifeless equatorial regions during the PETM. If carbon emissions aren’t curbed quickly enough and the tipping point is breached, “that would be truly devastating climate change,” said Caltech’s Tapio Schneider, who performed the new simulation with Colleen Kaul and Kyle Pressel." A world without clouds? Hardly clear, climate scientists say h...
The Crazy Plan to Deliver the First Baby in Space

The Crazy Plan to Deliver the First Baby in Space

Science, Tech and Gadgets A startup has announced plans to send a pregnant woman to space to give birth. Will this be the first baby born in space? Apollo Episode 1 - Read More: Imagine Giving Birth in Space SpaceLife Origin, based in the Netherlands, wants to send a pregnant woman, accompanied by a ‘trained, world-class medical team,’ in a capsule to the space above Earth. The mission would last 24 to 36 hours. Once the woman delivered the child, the capsule would return to the ground.” Animals in Space “Can fish swim in...
China’s Crazy Plan to Launch an Artificial Moon

China’s Crazy Plan to Launch an Artificial Moon

Science, Tech and Gadgets Chinese scientists are planning to launch an “illumination satellite” into orbit in 2020, but will it work? Get 20% off domain names and web hosting when you use coupon code SEEKER at checkout! More Crazy Science! - Read More: Man-made moon to shed light on Chengdu in 2020 “China's space industry is preparing to launch the world's first artificial moon to help with urban illumination at night, a leading scientist said. China plans to put an artificial moon in orbit above Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan by 2020.” China...
Scientists’ Crazy Plan to Power Solar Panels with E. Coli

Scientists’ Crazy Plan to Power Solar Panels with E. Coli

Science, Tech and Gadgets New biogenic solar cells could be cheaper and more efficient than current solar technology. Here’s how they work. Your Gut Microbes Are Controlling Your Mind, Here’s What You’ll Do For Them - Read More: This bacteria could boost solar panels on cloudy days “Theirs is not the first experimental biogenic solar cell, but it’s different from the others — and it produced a more powerful current, they said. Also, it works as well in dim light as in bright light.” Bacteria-powered solar cell converts light to energy, even under overcast skies “With further development, these solar cells--called 'biogenic' because th...
NASA’s Crazy Plan to Send a Space Submarine to Titan

NASA’s Crazy Plan to Send a Space Submarine to Titan

Science, Tech and Gadgets Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, is home to the first lakes discovered beyond Earth, and NASA wants to build a submarine to explore them. Read More: Calm Seas on Saturn's Moon Titan Offer a Smooth Landing for Future Missions “The liquid-hydrocarbon lakes and seas on Titan are incredibly calm, suggesting that future missions to the huge Saturn moon could enjoy a smooth ride to the surface, a new study reports.” ‘Electric Sand’ May Shape Titan Moon’s Strange Surface “Electrified sands on Saturn's largest moon, Titan, may stick together due to static cling, potenti...
This Engineer’s Crazy Plan to Clean Air with Smog-Sucking Bikes

This Engineer’s Crazy Plan to Clean Air with Smog-Sucking Bikes

Science, Tech and Gadgets These bicycles are designed to filter smog out of the air as you ride. This could be a game changer for smoggy cities like Beijing. This Is What Pollution Does To Your Body - Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - For a 30 days unrestricted trial, go to, and enter “Seeker” in the “How You’ve Heard About Us” section. Read More: Anti-smog bikes: could pedal power clean China's polluted air? "According to Roosegaarde, whose design firm Studio Roosegaarde has offices in both Rotterdam and Beijing, the idea for his Smog Free Project came just over three years ago, as he gazed out of his Beijing ap...
China’s Crazy Plan To Mine The Moon

China’s Crazy Plan To Mine The Moon

Science, Tech and Gadgets China is planning to strip mine the moon for a rare helium, but why? Are they even allowed to do this? Follow Julian on Twitter: Read More: China Plans To Strip Mine The Moon For Rare Helium-3 "Chinese state media has reported the service module of test lunar orbiter has successfully began orbiting the Moon and the lunar mission will see the Chang'e 5 spacecraft perform a soft landing on the surface of the Moon, where it will collect four pounds of rock and soil samples before returning home, China Topix reported." China Reaches Moon Orbit, Wants to Mine Very Rare, Energy Dense Element ...
Scientists Want to Insert Bionic Sperm Into Women’s Vaginas

Scientists Want to Insert Bionic Sperm Into Women’s Vaginas

Science, Tech and Gadgets Researchers are equipping sperm with tiny iron suits to turn them into cancer-fighting robots. Wait, what? How Will Nanotechnology Revolutionize Medicine? - Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - Read More: Physicians Unveil the World's First Colonoscopy Robot "Researchers at Vanderbilt University have developed a system for conducting a standard colonoscopy procedure that uses an internal robot guided by an external magnet." World's Tiniest Engines Could Power Micro Robots "Scientists have created the world's t...
NASA’s Plan To Use A Giant Magnet To Make Mars Habitable

NASA’s Plan To Use A Giant Magnet To Make Mars Habitable

Science, Tech and Gadgets NASA might have a plan to make Mars habitable, and it would involve a giant space magnet. We Found New Planets. No, You Can't Live There - Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - Read More: Mars' atmosphere stripped by solar winds, NASA says Maven Mission reveals speed of solar wind stripping martian atmosphere NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission has identified the proce...
Scientists Want to Transplant a Human Head, Here’s Why That’s a Bad Idea

Scientists Want to Transplant a Human Head, Here’s Why That’s a Bad Idea

Science, Tech and Gadgets A group of scientists are planning to perform a human head transplant at the end of 2017. But is their plan scientifically feasible? What Actually Happens To Your Body When You Donate Your Organs? - Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - Get 15% off web hosting and domain names when you use coupon code SEEKER at checkout! Read More: Surgeons Conduct Head Transplants on Rats, Say Humans Are Next "Chinese scientists have transplanted the head of a donor rat onto the back of a host body, creating an equally garish and impressive two-headed rat that may offer insights into ...
NASA Is Going to the Sun! But How…and Why?

NASA Is Going to the Sun! But How…and Why?

Science, Tech and Gadgets In 2018, NASA will launch a solar probe that will travel closer to the sun than any spacecraft before. But why? What are they looking for? NASA Just Revealed There Could Be Life On Saturn's Moon, Enceladus - Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - Read More: NASA's Mission to the Sun Gets a New Official Name "NASA's upcoming sun-studying mission, which will come much closer to Earth's star than any spacecraft in history, has been renamed the Parker Solar Probe, agency officials announced today (May 31). The new moniker honors pioneering University of Chicago astrophysicist Eugene Parker, who predict...
NASA’s Crazy Plan to Save the World From the Supervolcano Under Yellowstone

NASA’s Crazy Plan to Save the World From the Supervolcano Under Yellowstone

Science, Tech and Gadgets A Yellowstone supervolcano eruption is becoming more and more likely. Luckily for us, NASA has a plan to stop it. The Crazy Plan to Capture and Store CO2 Under the Ocean - Read More: NASA Has a $3.5bn Plan to Save The Planet From The Yellowstone Supervolcano “NASA has been working on a plan to counter this potentially far off but ultimately inevitable circumstance, which could be graver than even the nightmare scenario of a planet-devastating asteroid strike.” The Future of Electric Vehicles May Lie Below Ancient Supervolcanoes
Scientists’ Crazy Plan To Refreeze The Arctic

Scientists’ Crazy Plan To Refreeze The Arctic

Science, Tech and Gadgets As the mean global temperature continues to rise, the arctic ice caps continue to melt. What are scientist planning to do about it? Here's a hint: it involves 10 million sea water pumps. What Happens If All The World's Ice Melts? - Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - Get 15% off domain names and web hosting when you use coupon code DNEWS at checkout! Read More: Scientists Have Announced a Plan to 'Refreeze' the Arctic - and It's Wild "Desperate times call for desperate measures, and with temperatures near the North Pole hitting an unheard-of 20°C (36°F) warmer than average ...
The Insane Plan to Tow an Iceberg to the Middle East

The Insane Plan to Tow an Iceberg to the Middle East

Science, Tech and Gadgets A United Arab Emirates company wants to tow an iceberg from Antarctica to the desert for drinking water, but is their plan feasible? How Did So Much Oil Get Trapped Under The Ocean? - Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - Get 15% off domain names and web hosting when you use coupon code SEEKER at checkout! Read More: Icebergs Once Drifted All the Way to Florida "It's weird to imagine giant hunks of ice floating in the waters off Miami. But that may have happened. While modeling studies by scientists in the past suggested that those icebergs drifted east toward Europe, a just-publish...
What Happens if the Planets Align?

What Happens if the Planets Align?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Three planets of our solar system are preparing to do a rare, celestial dance that you'll actually be able to see from your house! Anthony tells us what's going on, and how to catch a glimpse. Read More: Watch the planets dance in a triple conjunction "Triple planetary conjunctions are relatively rare in the night sky, but astronomers are about to be in for a real treat." Planets Aligning in the Sunset Sky "The sunset of May 26th will be extra special. On that date, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury will gather in the fading twilight to form a bright triangle only three degrees wide." Closest grouping o...
What Happens When You Leave Contact Lenses In Too Long?

What Happens When You Leave Contact Lenses In Too Long?

Science, Tech and Gadgets A woman recently went blind after she left her contacts in for 6 months straight! Why is it so bad to leave your contacts in for long periods of time? Join Laci as she discusses what can build up on your contact lens, and how it can potentially leave you blind! Follow DNews on Twitter: Follow Laci on Twitter: Read More: Dangers of Contact Lenses: Amoeba Eye Infection Blinds Woman "A student in Taiwan who left contact lenses in her eyes for six months straight developed a rare and serious eye infection that ultimately took her vision, according to a news report." Contact Lenses Are A Breeding Ground For Parasites; One...
What Happens if the Planets Align?

What Happens if the Planets Align?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Three planets of our solar system are preparing to do a rare, celestial dance that you'll actually be able to see from your house! Anthony tells us what's going on, and how to catch a glimpse. Read More: Watch the planets dance in a triple conjunction "Triple planetary conjunctions are relatively rare in the night sky, but astronomers are about to be in for a real treat." Planets Aligning in the Sunset Sky "The sunset of May 26th will be extra special. On that date, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury will gather in the fading twilight to form a bright triangle only three degrees wide." Closest grouping o...
What Happens When You Leave Contact Lenses In Too Long?

What Happens When You Leave Contact Lenses In Too Long?

Science, Tech and Gadgets A woman recently went blind after she left her contacts in for 6 months straight! Why is it so bad to leave your contacts in for long periods of time? Join Laci as she discusses what can build up on your contact lens, and how it can potentially leave you blind! Follow DNews on Twitter: Follow Laci on Twitter: Read More: Dangers of Contact Lenses: Amoeba Eye Infection Blinds Woman "A student in Taiwan who left contact lenses in her eyes for six months straight developed a rare and serious eye infection that ultimately took her vision, according to a news report." Contact Lenses Are A Breeding Ground For Parasites; One...
What Happens To Your Body When You Fast?

What Happens To Your Body When You Fast?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Fasting is extremely common in many religious groups, and some people even do it as a part of their diet. What happens to your body during this time? Trace breaks down some of the short and long-term effects of fasting. RSVP to our live hangout with NASA JPL that’s happening July 30th at 4pm PDT: Read More: What Happens to the Body During Fasts “Matthew McConaughey lost 30 pounds. Hugh Jackman lost at least 20. Anne Hathaway lost 25.” Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system “In the first evidence of a natural interventi...
What Happens When A Fly Lands On Your Food?

What Happens When A Fly Lands On Your Food?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Have you ever wondered what a fly is doing when it lands on your food? Laci did some research to figure out just what happens. Read More: Study: Flies on food should make you drop your fork “Answer this question while you are not eating: Which of the following would make you stop chowing down if you spied them while you were in a restaurant?” Watch More: Can You Still Eat Moldy Food TestTube Wild Card Why Flies Are Great Flyers ...
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