Tuesday, March 25

Tag: science

What Happens If We Give A.I. The Ability To Remember Everything?

What Happens If We Give A.I. The Ability To Remember Everything?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/3Nq-9_SwC68 Google's DeepMind AI has a memory and is using it to play video games! What does this mean for the future of artificial intelligence? Why You Shouldn't Fear Artificial Intelligence - https://youtu.be/uEWGjQ0nTm4 Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - http://bit.ly/1UO1PxI We got nominated for a People's Choice Webby! That means, you can help us win. Please, take a minute and vote for us here (thanks!): https://vote.webbyawards.com/PublicVoting#/2017/film-video/general-film/vr-cinematic-or-pre-rendered Read More: Artificial Intelligence Goes to the Arcade http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/deepmind-artificial-intelligence-video-games "Then something happens. By the three hundredth game, the A.I. has stopped missing the ball. The auditoriu...
Tattoo Ink Isn’t Regulated by the FDA, Here’s What Happens Once It’s in You

Tattoo Ink Isn’t Regulated by the FDA, Here’s What Happens Once It’s in You

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/Cdx1DNwMLCg A new study has found that tattoo ink nanoparticles spread throughout your lymphatic system when you get a tattoo. What else do tattoos do to your body? How Tattoos & Piercings Mess With Science - https://youtu.be/wINZ_0XtUGA Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - http://bit.ly/1UO1PxI Get 20% off http://www.domain.com domain names and web hosting when you use coupon code SEEKER at checkout! Read More: Tattooing Causes Nano-Sized Particles of Ink to Lodge in the Lymph Nodes https://www.seeker.com/health/tattooing-causes-nano-sized-particles-of-ink-to-lodge-in-the-lymph-nodes "Before getting a tattoo, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about the design and colors, where you want it on your body, and which tattoo artist you trust to do ...
The Sun Is Going to Die, This Is What Happens Next

The Sun Is Going to Die, This Is What Happens Next

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/chWBU1Cy6lM In a few billion years, our sun is going to turn into a massive red giant. What does that mean for us, and for our solar system? Could Explosions on the Sun Harm Earth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73w_bAw5bvA Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=dnewschannel Read More: Dying Star Offers Glimpse of Earth's Doomsday in 5B Years https://www.seeker.com/doomsday-earth-sun-red-giant-astronomy-alma-eso-stellar-physics-2138112840.html "L2 Puppis is a dying star that once resembled our sun and it is showing us the stellar inferno that lies in store for our planet." Red Giant Stars: Facts, Definition & the Future of the Sun https://www.space.com/22471-red-giant-stars.html "A red giant star is a dying star in the last stages of stellar...
The Earth’s Spin Is Slowing Down! What Happens If It Stops?

The Earth’s Spin Is Slowing Down! What Happens If It Stops?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/VSxXZOvQwqk Life on Earth has adapted to our 24 hour day, but the Earth’s spin is slowing down. What would it be like to live on an Earth that stops spinning? Watching YouTube Isn’t Helping You Wind Down, It’s Ruining Your Sleep - https://youtu.be/QxA23Fa76Dk Read More: What Would Happen if Earth Stopped Spinning? http://thescienceexplorer.com/universe/what-would-happen-if-earth-stopped-spinning “Have you ever wondered what would happen if the Earth stopped spinning? You can probably guess that it would not result in anything good, in fact, it would be disastrous. If the Earth stopped spinning suddenly, most people on Earth would die. If the Earth slowed down gradually, it would be absolutely devastating, but there is a chance some people could survive.” Baby Moon...
What Goes Up, Must Come Down: Here’s How We Crash Spacecraft Safely

What Goes Up, Must Come Down: Here’s How We Crash Spacecraft Safely

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/-9RGa-SoRvs Returning a spacecraft back to Earth can be a dire situation. How do we make sure they won’t smash into cities? The Threat to Space Travel That No One's Talking About - https://youtu.be/Wd95PxiHBpw Read More: China’s 9½-ton Space Lab Will Soon Crash To Earth. No One Knows Where It Will Hit https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science “China's first space laboratory, Tiangong-1, which translates to “Heavenly Palace,” launched on Sept. 30, 2011, serving as a prototype for the permanent space station China aims to eventually build. But six years after it first went into orbit, the 9½-ton laboratory is expected to meet a fiery and uncontrolled end, hurtling to Earth and crashing somewhere — anywhere — on the planet.” This Is Where The Internationa...
Scientists Just Broke a Quantum Record; What Happens Next?

Scientists Just Broke a Quantum Record; What Happens Next?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/LAvfPof1ySI Scientists managed to quantum entangle trillions of atoms – here's how. Quantum Teleportation Is Real, Here's How It Works - https://youtu.be/yb38jozeDOs Read more: Stabilized entanglement of massive mechanical oscillators https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-018-0038-x “Entanglement has a solid theoretical and experimental foundation and is the key resource behind many emerging quantum technologies, including quantum computation, cryptography and metrology” Entanglement "on demand" sets the stage for quantum internet https://newatlas.com/on-demand-quantum-entanglement/55034/ “Researchers at Delft University of Technology have now overcome a major hurdle on the road towards that goal by generating quantum links faster than they deteriorate.” Entangled at...
What Can Happen to the Human Heart After Months of Swimming? | The Swim

What Can Happen to the Human Heart After Months of Swimming? | The Swim

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/ZLnxzZuhb9Y Using ultrasound and a prototype waterproof monitor, medics and researchers are watching Ben Lecomte's heart closely. Can the way we examine his EKG waves in ocean waves help us prevent fatal heart disease? *Note: at 3:30 when the video depicts the ECG signal, the intervals would not be measured diagonally as depicted conceptually, but with straight lines. Learn more at https://www.medicine.mcgill.ca/physio/vlab/cardio/introECG.htm Is the Secret to Superhuman Performance in Your Gut? | The Swim - https://youtu.be/9FYAIpfNC0s Read More How Advances in Wearable Cardiac Monitors Improve the Patient and Clinician Experience https://www.dicardiology.com/article/how-advances-wearable-cardiac-monitors-improve-patient-and-clinician-experience "The newest devices a...
What Happens When You Put Antimatter in a Double Slit Experiment?

What Happens When You Put Antimatter in a Double Slit Experiment?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/aN9tn1E3tDs Interference patterns with particles have stumped scientists for years, but when they put antimatter through the test, they revealed an even bigger mystery. This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe - https://youtu.be/XD8Q3Mb1Q4I Read More: First Observation Of Antimatter Wave Interference https://arxiv.org/pdf/1808.08901.pdf “The periodic spatial distribution generated by the interferometer (Fig. 1) is revealed by a nuclear emulsion detector. Nuclear emulsions14 offer submicron level position resolution in the detection of ionizing particles9,15. They work as photographic films by exploiting the properties of silver-bromide crystals embedded in a 50 μm thick gelatin matrix. For this experiment we developed a glass-supported emulsion de...
What Happens When an Island Completely Disappears?

What Happens When an Island Completely Disappears?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/YmmsFDZRuMo A giant hurricane swept an island away in just one night, but is this just a succession of tons of island disappearances all over the globe? Here’s what we know. Why a Half Degree Rise in Global Temperature Would Be Catastrophic - https://youtu.be/teZk3NLU_7M Read More: East Island, Remote Hawaiian Sliver of Sand, Is Largely Wiped Out by a Hurricane https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/25/us/hawaii-east-island-disappears-walaka.html “After the storm, government officials confirmed that the island, in the northwestern part of the Hawaiian archipelago, had been largely submerged by water, said Athline Clark of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. East Island is the second island to disappear in recent months from French Frigate Shoals, a crescen...
What Happens When an Aircraft Catches Fire?

What Happens When an Aircraft Catches Fire?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/MEoYNHDUKMQ The complications faced by air rescue fire fighters are unlike anything else. See how chemicals and velocity challenge an already intense job. How Do You Test the World’s Fastest Jet Engines? - https://youtu.be/8cHRmj42tcQ Read More Riding Shotgun in a Fighter Jet https://www.seeker.com/videos/riding-shotgun-in-a-fighter-jet "Aerobatics has a long and storied history. In the early days of aviation, pilots would use aircrafts to entertain citizens, flying in artistic maneuvers to excite and draw grasps. As aviation advanced, military fighter pilots would master vertical climbs and loops to trick the enemy in dogfights. Mixing elements of its early theatrics and military grade precision, aerobatics today is more advanced and enthralling than ever before." Fig...
This Abandoned Nuclear City Is Trapped Under Ice, What Happens If It Thaws?

This Abandoned Nuclear City Is Trapped Under Ice, What Happens If It Thaws?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/z9uW-8vPpAU Tons of nuclear waste from a secret military operation are hiding underneath Greenland's Ice sheet. Special thanks to William Colgan & the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Never-Before-Seen Footage Uncovers Antarctica’s First Scientific Missions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRZKm3Zii-U Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/DNewsChannel Read More: The abandoned ice sheet base at Camp Century, Greenland, in a warming climate https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/2016GL069688 Net ablation would guarantee the eventual remobilization of physical, chemical, biological, and radiological wastes abandoned at the site. While Camp Century and four other contemporaneous ice sheet bases were legally established under a Danish-U.S. tre...
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