Thursday, March 27

Tag: technology

What If TikTok Was Banned?

What If TikTok Was Banned?

Science, Tech and Gadgets The first 100 people to use the code WHATIF with the link will get 20% off of Incogni: You think you're watching TikTok, but in reality, it's watching you. Yeah, those cute, fun little videos come at a high price. Your privacy. But now this app is banned permanently. And you might be better off without it. So how is TikTok spying on you? How could watching too many TikToks make you ill? How does it affect your attention span? Why is it spiking your dopamine? Transcript and sources: 00:00 What If TikTok Was Banned? 01:35 Thanks Incogni! 03:04 TikTok facts 05:55 TikTok causing sociogenic illness Questions or concerns? Contact us at Interested in spons...
What If We Could Grow Babies in Artificial Wombs?

What If We Could Grow Babies in Artificial Wombs?

Science, Tech and Gadgets The miracle of life. A 40-week process where you developed from a single cell to fully formed human baby. All within in your mother's womb. Now, imagine you were born in an artifical womb. How would we benefit from artificial wombs? What would be the downsides? Transcript and sources: Join our Patreon community and help make What If better: Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: The Cosmos: Technology:
What If China Created an Artificial Moon?

What If China Created an Artificial Moon?

Science, Tech and Gadgets We can build really big things in space. Okay, not that big - yet. But we've packed the Earth's lower orbit with about 5,000 satellites - some still functioning and some not. What if we could build a bigger, brighter satellite and put it into the Earth's lower orbit? Something that would reflect so much sunlight that we'd never have to turn our lights on again. I'm talking about an artificial moon. How big could we possibly make it? And why would it be a bad idea to proceed with this space construction project? Transcript and sources: Subscribe to the brand-new What If Discussed podcast: Take a deeper dive into What If episodes with the help from the worl...
What If a Flash Wiped Out Everyone’s Memories?

What If a Flash Wiped Out Everyone’s Memories?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Imagine, it comes out of nowhere. A blinding flash, spanning the entire globe. It lasts only a few seconds, but when it's over, everyone's memories have been erased. We’re talking almost 8 billion people suddenly forgetting who they are, overwhelmed by panic and confusion. What would the aftermath of the flash be like? And could this actually happen? Join our Patreon community and help make What If better: Can you translate this episode into another language? Translate this video and we will link your YouTube channel in the description: Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: The Cosmos: Technology: http://bit...
What If We Could Create Anti-Gravity?

What If We Could Create Anti-Gravity?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Are you tired of cramped city-living? Then anti-gravity might be for you! Do you want to soar effortlessly over traffic jams, while the drivers below you lose their minds? Then anti-gravity might be for you! We haven’t exactly perfected the technology yet, but if we do, it would completely revolutionize our world. Transcript and sources: Music: Join our Patreon community and help make What If better: Can you translate this episode into another language? Translate this video and get a mention in the description as a thank you: Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: http://bit.l...
What If We Had Working Quantum Computers Today?

What If We Had Working Quantum Computers Today?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Get rid of your old computers, because the future of technology has arrived! It's not artificial intelligence or virtual reality; it's something called quantum computing! And it could completely revolutionize every aspect of our society, from healthcare to finance, and even national security. But how does it work? When can we expect it? And what could happen if it gets into the wrong hands? Transcript and sources: Made possible with the support of Ontario Creates Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: The Cosmos:
What If We Had Flying Cars?

What If We Had Flying Cars?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Imagine an entire network of flying cars zooming around 2,000 meters (6,561 feet) above our congested city streets. Your morning commute would be a lot different up there: you could travel at higher speeds and you could reach almost any remote destination. But what kinds of laws would we have to put in place to control the skies? Transcript and sources: Made possible with the support of Ontario Creates Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: The Cosmos: Technology:
What If You Lived in the Matrix?

What If You Lived in the Matrix?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Twenty years later, the Matrix is once again asking us to make an ultimate choice. Would you rather live comfortably in the Matrix or wake up in a new terrifying reality? Well, brace yourself. This computer now controls your life down to the last detail. What if your world was a simulation? Could you ever trust your senses? Would you find glitches in the code? And if this is a simulation, who's running the program? Transcript and sources: 00:00 The red pill or the blue pill? 00:55 Are we characters in someone's virtual reality simulation? 02:41 Why wouldn't the digital world be perfect? 04:22 What's happening to our real bodies? Questions or concerns? Contact us at
What If Thomas Edison Wasn’t Born?

What If Thomas Edison Wasn’t Born?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Thomas Edison is one of the most famous inventors in history. He had over 1,000 patents and countless inventions. Many of his inventions changed the world. But how different would our world look if he never existed? Would we still be living in the dark? Would we have the radio? And would we have Star Wars? Transcript and sources: Made possible with the support of Ontario Creates Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: The Cosmos: Technology:
What If You Met a Time Traveler?

What If You Met a Time Traveler?

Science, Tech and Gadgets With your support we can make our show better! Join our Patreon community: If time travel is possible, why haven't we met a single time traveler yet? And if we did meet one, how would we know they weren't faking it? What would their time machine look like? And how would it operate? Would there be a set of rules for time travelers to follow? And what would happen if they decided to break them? Transcript and sources: Music: Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: The Cosmos:
What If Your Memories Were Fake?

What If Your Memories Were Fake?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Thanks NordVPN for sponsoring this episode! Get 70% off 3-year plan + now not just one but FOUR months FOR FREE and 70% off a 3-year plan at or use the code -"whatif" during signup. Are all of your memories real? Did everything happen the way you remember it? What if somebody filled your brain with memories that aren't yours? Would you be able to tell the difference between what's real and what's not? A memory is made in three major steps: encoding information, storing it and then retrieving it. And it all happens here. Music: Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: The Cosmos:
What If You Moved an Entire City?

What If You Moved an Entire City?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Populations of people are already fleeing climate change across the globe. In North America, the Alaskan village of Newtok was faced with a mega slump caused by melting permafrost. As the layers of frozen soil melted, the ground became unstable. Homes started to sink and crumble. Coastal cities across the globe are planning how they will keep the sea away as it rises. One solution? Just move the city. How much would it cost? How do you lift a building? Where is this already happening? How severe can coastal flooding be? Transcript and sources: Questions or concerns? Contact us at Get our 100 best episodes in one mind-blowing book: ...
What If You Could Trap a Ghost Like a Ghostbuster?

What If You Could Trap a Ghost Like a Ghostbuster?

Science, Tech and Gadgets "I ain't afraid of no ghost!" Of course not. You're in the Ghostbusters universe. With a quick stomp, demons are as good as gone. So how would life change if you could bust ghosts in real life? Would you need to reinvent nuclear power? Or just a whole lot of money? And could you get slimed? 00:00 Real Life Ghostbusters 00:48 Using Science to Catch Ghosts 01:45 Cyclotron 03:24 Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Transcript and sources: Questions or concerns? Contact us at Get our 100 best episodes in one mind-blowing book: Join this channel to get access to perks:
What If the Military Deployed a Million Nano Drones?

What If the Military Deployed a Million Nano Drones?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched? What if every move you make is recorded? You didn’t see any security cameras, and that’s the point.What if the military deployed a million nano drones? Insect-sized surveillance robots capable of watching your every move.What kind of missions would they perform? Would it make the world safer? Or start a dystopian nightmare? Subscribe to our second channel called "How to Survive": Can you translate this episode into another language? Add subtitles and we will link your YouTube channel in the description: Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: The Cosmos:
What If You Flew to Space on a Jetpack?

What If You Flew to Space on a Jetpack?

Science, Tech and Gadgets Elevate your writing with 20% off Grammarly Premium by signing up at Jetpack technology is getting better, and maybe someday, jetpacks will be available for your everyday commute. But what if, instead of just using a jetpack for a short trip, you went straight up? And up, and up, until you reached space? How powerful are jetpacks? How fast would you have to travel? How long can a jetpack fly? How does the gravity jet suit work? Could jetpack joyride become part of our real life? What is the death zone? Get our 100 best episodes in one mind-blowing book: Join this channel to get access to perks: Watch more what-if scenarios: P...
What If the Universe Was Just an Illusion?

What If the Universe Was Just an Illusion?

Science, Tech and Gadgets What if the Universe is an illusion? What if your reality is not what it seems to be? What if you are you're just a 2D projection stretched on the surface of a black hole? And what does a black hole have to do with all this? I know what you think. This isn't real. How can we live in a hologram if everything around us is three-dimensional? Transcript and sources: Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: The Cosmos: Technology: Your Bo...
What If We Built Vertical Farms?

What If We Built Vertical Farms?

Science, Tech and Gadgets As our population grows, we're going to need a lot more farms to feed the planet. Yet, in a lot of places, farming is almost impossible. And much of the land we can use for farming is disappearing. With so many farms on land, could we build farms vertically to save space? Maybe it’s time to grow ... up? Where do we need vertical farms? What would it take to build them? How could they help to save the planet? Transcript and source: Subscribe to the brand-new What If Discussed podcast: Take a deeper dive into What If episodes with the help from the world's top thinkers in science. Join our Patreon community and help make What If better: ...
What Happens If You Put Your Head Into a Particle Accelerator?

What Happens If You Put Your Head Into a Particle Accelerator?

Science, Tech and Gadgets A particle accelerator is not some kind of evil super villain torture device. A particle accelerator is used for health, safety, discovery, and for learning more about our universe. You can't see what it does, but you can feel it. The question is, can you survive its effects? Chances are you've probably already been exposed to accelerated particles before! So how do you feel? Transcript and sources: Sign up for our What If Explorers Club weekly newsletter for exclusives & giveaways: Join our Patreon community and help make What If better: Can you translate this episode into another language? Add subtitles ...