Monday, March 17

Tana Mongeau CLAPS BACK About Wedding Being ‘For Fun & Content’!

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So yesterday we told you about the most recent episode of Tana Turns 21 and how she told the cameras that her wedding was all for “Fun and content”…

Yeah… welllllll, Tana saw our video and had something to say.

What’s up guys it’s Emile Ennis Jr here and Tana wants to set the record straight for us and the rest of the world.

She came to twitter after watching our video to defend herself and ensure everyone that she does actually love Jake Paul

In a 4 part Twitter thread linked to Clevver’s video, Tana said “I filmed those confessionals for the show a long time ago. The “for fun and content” soundbite was from a very long sentence and I was a little salty to see it pulled out of context. I understand though that MTV has their own creative”

So here’s the sentence that MTV shows one more time:

“I think a wedding is a very serious thing but at the same time I think Jake and I don’t take things very seriously. I have a lot of love for him but it’s still something fun and lighthearted that we’re doing for fun and for content.”

So what I’m getting from this is that she DOES in fact love Jake and they ARE in a relationship – albeit an open relationship – but they decided to have a wedding for fun instead of traditional reasons like commitment or religious values

And let’s be real, I don’t think any of us were thinking that they were getting married to honor the holy sacrament of matrimony.

Plus, if you’ve never worked in media you might miss it, but you can tell that there IS at least one cut that is made in the middle of Tana’s sentence.

don’t take things very seriously /// and I have a lot of love for him but /// it’s still something fun and light hearted

Hear it? Either way, Tana, if you’re watching, fill in the blanks for us and let us know the full sentence!

She continued on Twitter “I know that things have moved so fast, so unconventional, and confusing but I love Jake. I truly do, in the weirdest way…. I hate that it’ll probably always come with owing people some explanation … but I know that’s kinda the life we signed up for.

So Tana, don’t feel like you owe us any explanation. We’re not doubting that you love Jake or that you guys are in a relationship. Everyone just has one question. Was the wedding legally binding?

Tana makes a point in saying that the confessionals were filmed a long time ago and that the show is quite behind, so maybe at the time of filming they were just doing things for fun, but then they got serious? I don’t know. Only Tana can tell us.

But honestly, get back to us whenever you can. I know you’ve got a lot going on right now dealing with a family emergency before you ship off to your honeymoon.

Like you said, it’s the “last thing you wanna talk about right now”.

So Tana, or anyone else really, drop a comment below on your thoughts about the whole thing. I’m really wondering if they’re legally married, and what’s going to come next for Jake and Tana.
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