Thursday, March 13

Tana Mongeau Desperately Trying To Help Lia Marie Johnson!!!

Tana Mongeau Desperately Trying To Help Lia Marie Johnson!!!

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Lia Marie Johnson’s well-being has worried fans for quite some time, and now even fellow YouTubers are voicing their concerns after yet another bizarre Instagram Live story went viral.

What’s up guys, it’s Sussan Mourad back here on Clevver News, and coming back from a holiday weekend is never an easy feat, but news surrounding Lia Marie Johnson and her safety has added even more stress and worry for everyone concerned for her.

It was just a few short weeks ago when YouTuber Lia Marie Johnson went Live on Instagram and for one, seemed not like her usual self inside a music studio, and then begins making out with a “mystery man” fans could assumed was her music producer Steven Wetherbee.

The incident caused such a stir within her fanbase that she ended up being detained by police.

Lia Marie later on filled fans in on what all went down, revealing that police showed up, hand-cuffed her and detained her, but didn’t disclose exactly why.

She also had an alarming message for her fans while in a completely dark room during the livestream, telling everyone to QUOTE, “Leave me alone, because all I wanna do is be in love with someone, and that’s all I want.”

After a few weeks without any sign of Lia on Instagram Live, fans began to grow a little more worried about her mental state, until her livestream this weekend sent viewers and fellow YouTubers into a panic to help her.

Near the end of the video, Lia gets up and begins to get ready and pack her bags, telling viewers that she needs to go to the studio.

One of the few things that she noticeably packed was a bottle of wine, and made sure to tell fans that she’s definitely an alcoholic.

She also read concerning poetry that centered around being abused, choked, objectified and drinking every day since November, and also ended up getting into a car with another man when the stream stopped.

Like we said earlier, her videos continue to catch the attention of worried fans and especially fellow YouTubers including Tana Mongeau.

Tana took to Twitter to write a cry for help, asking fans QUOTE, “How do we help Lia Marie Johnson :(?”

Fans began suggesting ways an intervention could be held, including bringing in Shane Dawson, and simply just by being a friend and reaching out to her, saying, “Delete this and try to actually be her friend please i just watched her live she really needs real people who actually care about her in her life.”

Many also praised Tana for shedding light on this issue, which is something not many influencers have really done, and that people pushed her under the rug following her breakdown on Instagram Live last May.

YouTuber Dominic responded to Tana’s post saying that there have been attempts made to try and contact Lia, writing, “We’ve tried… I’ve tried… Her “friends” aren’t real friends anymore and she hasn’t replied to me countless times. I don’t know who’s close around her but someone has to step up.”

Back during Lia’s livestream in the beginning of the year, her former co-star Shauna Richards spoke out about what’s going on, and clearly knew something was not right with Lia.

She said QUOTE, “When I worked with Lia on a film a few years back, she was full of life, silly, friendly, and whip smart. I don’t know exactly what it was that we saw in that live but it did not seem right and Lia appeared to be in a very vulnerable space. I hope that someone takes this seriously as Lia said many alarming things throughout the video.”

Aside from livestreams, Lia’s other posts raise concern as she talks about being alone, not sleeping well and like this caption suggests, “falling into another dimension that no one else can access.”

Many have also started the hashtag #saveliamariejohnson, but are concerned as to how she’s able to be reached.

Hopefully by continuing to share their concern and allowing her to see that people are willing to help and genuinely care, Lia will allow herself to get the help she needs.

I know these livestreams are really tough to watch, but friends, fans and co-stars are legitimately concerned about Lia, and this seems to be the only way to get to her, so if you guys have any suggestions for how and who you think could be the one to help, get to talking in the comments section below.

Then be sure to subscribe to Clevver News for all the latest updates on Lia, and click right over here for another new video.

I’m Sussan Mourad, and I’ll see you next time.

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