Friday, March 28

Tattoo Ink Isn’t Regulated by the FDA, Here’s What Happens Once It’s in You

Tattoo Ink Isn't Regulated by the FDA, Here's What Happens Once It's in You

A new study has found that tattoo ink nanoparticles spread throughout your lymphatic system when you get a tattoo. What else do tattoos do to your body?

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Tattooing Causes Nano-Sized Particles of Ink to Lodge in the Lymph Nodes
“Before getting a tattoo, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about the design and colors, where you want it on your body, and which tattoo artist you trust to do the job. You don’t often think about the chemical composition of the tattoo ink, but new research published in the journal Scientific Reports says it’s something you should consider.”

Electronic Tattoo Tracks Your Medical, Money Deets
“A new skin-mounted electronic sticker called a Tech Tat under development at Chaotic Moon Studios will be one way to monitor health vitals and keep track of them on a phone app.”

Scientists find that nanoparticles from tattoos travel inside the body
“The elements that make up the ink in tattoos travel inside the body in micro and nanoparticle forms and reach the lymph nodes according to a study published in Scientific Reports on 12 September by scientists from Germany and the ESRF, the European Synchrotron, Grenoble (France).”


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This episode of Seeker was written and hosted by Trace Dominguez

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