Monday, March 31

Taylor Swift Caught In A Web Of Lies Regarding Her AMAs Performance!

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Well that escalated quickly! For a second there, we thought Taylor Swift wouldn’t be allowed to perform her music at the upcoming American Music Awards all because of her ongoing feud with Scooter Braun.

Turns out she can… but man, this has been a roller coaster few hours.

How’s it going everyone, I’m Sussan Mourad here with Clevver News and hang on tight guys, cause this is a bumpy ride…

First things first… we gotta back up a bit.

As you know, Taylor has been very vocal about the deal struck between music manager Scooter Braun and former Big Machine Records owner, Scott Borchetta. When Scooter purchased the label for 300 million dollars, that included the rights to Taylor’s entire music catalog recorded there — her first 6 albums.

And you’ll remember T-Swift was anything but happy about this.

More importantly, Taylor claimed she was never even given the chance to buy her the rights to her music. Instead, Big Machine had offered her the chance her “earn back” her music; for every one album she made, she’d get one back.

That was a big no for T-Swift, and she left the label last fall for Universal Music Group, wanting more power over her work.

But she had a plan to get her music back. In that same interview with CBS This Morning, Taylor revealed if she can’t have the rights to her music, she’d make new ones:

It’s important to note here, that even though Taylor plans to re-record her masters, she legally can’t do that until November of 2020.
Ok, so let’s fast forward to now and Taylor is scheduled to perform at the upcoming American Music Awards coming up November 24th. She’s being honored with the Artist of the Decade award, and naturally, wanted to sing a medley of her hits over the last ten years.

But Taylor went on social media last night, claiming she can’t perform at the awards show.

In a lengthy IG story, the singer claims that Scooter and Scott are barring her from singing any of her old music, at the AMA’s AND on a Netflix documentary planned.

Man… Taylor LAID IT OUT. Look at this post. We’re gonna pick out the most important parts for ya.

“Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun have now said that I’m not allowed to perform my old music on television because that would be re-recording my music before I’m allowed to next year.”

“Additionally — and this isn’t the way I planned on telling you this news — Netflix has created a documentary about my life the past few years. Scott and Scooter have declined the use of my older music or performance footage for this project…”

They’re claiming Taylor is LYING. Saying that they didn’t tell her she couldn’t perform at the American Music Awards or block the Netflix documentary. And then they laid out some tea of their own, saying Taylor owes THEM money, and has refused .

“The truth is, Taylor has admitted to contractually owing millions of dollars and multiple assets to our company, which is responsible for 120 hardworking employees who helped build her career.”
“…despite our persistent efforts to find a private and mutually satisfactory solution, Taylor made a unilateral decision last night to enlist her fanbase in a calculated manner that greatly affects the safety of our employees and their families.”

“Taylor, the narrative you have created does not exist. All we ask is to have a direct and honest conversation. When that happens, you will see there is nothing but respect, kindness and support waiting for you on the other side. To date, not one of the invitations to speak with us and work through this has been accepted.”

According to TMZ, Taylor owes Big Machine 7 million dollars, and has refused to pay them for more than a year. Plus, she reportedly owes the label music and video content as well.

NOW in another turn of events…

Big Machine spoke with TMZ saying that Taylor can ABSOLUTELY perform… that they can’t do anything about her singing her old songs.

TMZ reports “Taylor Swift can 100% perform all of her catalog, past and present, on the AMAs. Our confusion with her statement is that we have no legal right to stop this and have never tried. She and her team both know this.”

So now seems like the right time to turn it over to you guys!
First, who do you believe here, Taylor, who says Scooter and Scott are holding her music hostage… or Big Machine, who says they’ve tried to work with her?
And either way, do you think Taylor absolutely deserves the right to perform her own body of work at the AMAs and beyond?
Let us know in the comment section below. Don’t hold back!
And also, don’t forget to subscribe to Clevver News cause you KNOW more tea will be spilled in this ongoing saga.

I’m Sussan Mourad Thanks for hanging! See you next time!

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