Monday, March 10

Taylor Swift TEASES New Music & Kim Kardashian RESPONDS?!

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Alright Swifties! Get excited because Taylor Swift has new music coming soon and Kim Kardashian has spoken!

What’s up y’all?! It’s Emile here with Clevver News.

So we were all just relaxing the other day and Taylor Swift decided to start a countdown that has us all like WHAT??!! Taylor posted an instastory with a countdown labeled 4/26 and a dreamy cloud background. Of course this sent us all into a frenzy like, what does this mean?! You know what they say about when you assume…if you don’t look it up.

Back in March, she told Elle Magazine something very interesting. For the article which was titled 30 Things I Learned Before Turning 30, one of the things she said was “I make countdowns for things I’m excited about. When I’ve gone through dark, low times, I’ve always found a tiny bit of relief and hope in getting a countdown app (they’re free) and adding things I’m looking forward to. Even if they’re not big holidays or anything, it’s good to look toward the future. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed in the now, and it’s good to get some perspective that life will always go on, to better things.” Fans noticed recently that this was Number 26 on the list, coincidence I THINK NOT.

Well now we are all searching for clues to see if we can figure out what this countdown means. Luckily, Taylor is giving us a lot of clues. And by a lot of clues, I mean she is posting something everyday leading up to the 4/26 so far.

So let’s break them all down. First of all, fans noticed that she posted the countdown on April 13 which means it was also 13 days to April 26. And we all know how Taylor feels about the number 13. If you go to Taylor’s website, just in case you were wondering what it was, she has the same countdown with that same background. Her profile picture also has that same image as well. Many fans noticed that her look for Iheart radio had the same aesthetic and there were butterflies on her shoes. Recently she’s been posting more sparkly stuff on her Instagram like this heart…which is only captioned with 4/26. She also posted this photo with glittery nails and sparkly jewelry. Then she posted this close up shot of pink ruffles again captioned with 4.26! And now she’s posted her cats with a sparkly filter. Fans have also been posting screenshots and videos in front of billboards that have been spotted all across the world including, New York, LA, Mexico City, Berlin, Toronto, Tokyo, Sydney, Melbourne, & London.

There are so many theories floating around the internet talking about the similarities between her posting this and how she teased her Reputation album. Some are saying it could be a single, some are saying maybe it’s a new fashion line, and some are saying that maybe she is just excited for Avengers:End Game which comes out on April 26. I seriously doubt that it’s about Avengers, but what if Taylor is making a cameo?! I mean she is an actress now too. Cats the Movie comes out December 20th BTW. We will have to wait and see what the next teasers are, but something tells me that we are going to find out very soon. I haven’t been this excited about Taylor since the release of her Reputation album.

This was a custom outfit by Bridget Moriaty for our Clevver group Halloween costume. Taylor liked and commented on that photo by the way. However, one person who is not here for Taylor’s surprise is Kim Kardashian. At least that’s what fan’s think. Kim revealed on her Instagram that she is launching a new collab fragrance with Kylie on 4/26 and this may be just a coincidence, but knowing the history between these two, we doubt that it was innocent.

Anyway, I have to know all of your theories and do you think that Taylor’s announcement is even music related? It has to be right? Also, what do you think about Kim’s perfume launch date? Do you think she is shading Taylor? Let me know in the comment section below!!! Also click right over here for another new video and of course don’t forget to subscribe and click that bell so you don’t miss a single video. I’m your host Emile Ennis Jr. You can find me on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube @emileennisjr!

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