Sunday, December 22

Teacher reveals reality of ‘poop buckets’ in classrooms after school shootings | New York Post

Teacher reveals reality of ‘poop buckets’ in classrooms after school shootings | New York Post

A California teacher says school shootings are now so common that he’s been forced to store a “poop bucket” in his classroom so students can relieve themselves during a lockdown.

The educator — known online as Larry Lexicon — took to TikTok in the wake of Monday’s Nashville school shooting to share footage of himself explaining the function of the bright yellow bucket to his students.

“So it turns out people don’t know why we have these buckets in the classroom — it’s because of school shootings,” Lexicon said in the video, which has gone viral, clocking up more than 8.4 million views.

“I hate to just say it bluntly like that, but when I first started teaching, we didn’t have these buckets,” he continued. “Now every classroom has a bucket like this because we go into lockdown, and we’re locked in our classrooms for extended periods of times while the situation is dealt with.”


#california #schools #shootings

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