Tuesday, March 18

Science, Tech and Gadgets

Do Not Be Stupid and Buy a $10,000 iPhone Just to Play Fortnite—Try These Alternatives Instead

Do Not Be Stupid and Buy a $10,000 iPhone Just to Play Fortnite—Try These Alternatives Instead

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Do Not Be Stupid and Buy a $10,000 iPhone Just to Play Fortnite—Try These Alternatives Instead With Apple having booted Fortnite from the App Store, many iPhone users may now be looking for an alternate way to get their Victory Royale. But whatever you do, I implore you, please don’t drop a ton of money on eBay to buy an iPhone with a previously installed version of Fortnite.Read more... Go to Source
Peninsula’s Yeon Sang-ho on How Zombie Movies Can Bring Us Hope Amid Real-Life Horrors

Peninsula’s Yeon Sang-ho on How Zombie Movies Can Bring Us Hope Amid Real-Life Horrors

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Peninsula's Yeon Sang-ho on How Zombie Movies Can Bring Us Hope Amid Real-Life Horrors Peninsula, the sequel to 2016 South Korean zombie sensation Train to Busan, is out today, and if you were a fan of its predecessor—or are just a fan of thrilling, post-apocalyptic, flesh-chomping action—it’s a must-watch. We got a chance to chat with director Yeon Sang-ho to learn even more about his latest.Read more... Go to Source
What If All Houses Were Covered With Solar Panels?

What If All Houses Were Covered With Solar Panels?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/Uw_bweN_90E Rise. and. shine! Get up and seize the day! You can do anything under the sun...when the sun powers everything. Your phone, your home, and all that's in between. This is life on the golden grid. But is it the utopia we thought it would be? In 2018, the state of California passed a law requiring all new houses to be built with solar panels after 2020. Now you might think that sounds both extreme and unfair, considering it will raise home prices by as much as $12,000. But it's a lot more sensible than you think. Transcript and sources: https://insh.world/science/what-if-all-houses-were-covered-with-solar-panels/ Made possible with the support of Ontario Creates http://www.ontariocreates.ca Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: https://www.youtube.com/wa...
If You Have An Older Relative With Dementia Who Still Wants To Drive, This May Be A Kind Solution

If You Have An Older Relative With Dementia Who Still Wants To Drive, This May Be A Kind Solution

Science, Tech and Gadgets
If You Have An Older Relative With Dementia Who Still Wants To Drive, This May Be A Kind Solution As a human, or at least as a primate close enough to human, I have the same anxieties about aging as anyone. As a gearhead, there’s the extra element of dread at knowing that, at some point, I will just be too damn old to drive in a safe way. And you know, not into a Safeway, which may be a possibility. For parents or…Read more... Go to Source
Google’s Limiting Third-Party Camera Apps on Android 11 to Keep Their Mitts Off Your Location Data

Google’s Limiting Third-Party Camera Apps on Android 11 to Keep Their Mitts Off Your Location Data

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Google's Limiting Third-Party Camera Apps on Android 11 to Keep Their Mitts Off Your Location Data With Android 11, Google’s forcing all apps to use the device’s built-in camera app—as opposed to whatever third-party camera app you may have set as your default—when snapping photos or taking video in order to better protect users’ location data, a company rep told the Verge on Thursday.Read more... Go to Source
The Best Breathable Face Masks, According to Our Readers

The Best Breathable Face Masks, According to Our Readers

Science, Tech and Gadgets
The Best Breathable Face Masks, According to Our Readers Let’s talk about it, folks. This week’s Co-op called for breathable face masks, and with my own personal stance on the matter, I knew there’d be some friction between us. I know many are worried about their health in these times, but can we also accept that others aren’t interested in rooting in either extreme side of…Read more... Go to Source
Stranger Things Is Getting a Socially Distant Drive-Through Haunted House

Stranger Things Is Getting a Socially Distant Drive-Through Haunted House

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Stranger Things Is Getting a Socially Distant Drive-Through Haunted House The scariest part is knowing you can’t leave your car. Netflix has teamed up with Fever and Secret Cinema to debut a drive-through immersive Stranger Things adventure in Los Angeles this October, where fans will experience nostalgia and frights from the Upside Down...from the safety of their vehicle. Read more... Go to Source
Donald Trump Will Not Rest Until He Can Block Randos on Twitter

Donald Trump Will Not Rest Until He Can Block Randos on Twitter

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Donald Trump Will Not Rest Until He Can Block Randos on Twitter How much does Donald Trump hate getting dunked on in his Twitter replies? So much so that amidst unprecedented global and domestic crises which you’d imagine would be more pressing concerns, he’s brought his fight against a handful of civilians on Twitter all the way up to the highest court in the land. Today,…Read more... Go to Source
Search Your Feelings, You Know Lego’s Empire Strikes Back Anniversary Set to Be Cool

Search Your Feelings, You Know Lego’s Empire Strikes Back Anniversary Set to Be Cool

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Search Your Feelings, You Know Lego's Empire Strikes Back Anniversary Set to Be Cool Yes, it can be fun when Lego’s Star Wars sets are ginormous, hyper-detailed monstrosities that vaporize our bank accounts like Death Stars vaporize Alderaanians. But there’s something to be said about the company taking one small, iconic moment, and turning it into a cool little set.Read more... Go to Source
At Least I Can Get Pot Delivered

At Least I Can Get Pot Delivered

Science, Tech and Gadgets
At Least I Can Get Pot Delivered Are you a frontline worker dealing with new stresses or irresponsible management? Is working (or not working) from home starting to take a psychological toll? How are you coping with reopening? Submit a story using this Google form or send me an email with the subject line “My Covid Story”…Read more... Go to Source
Stop Paying the Apple Tax

Stop Paying the Apple Tax

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Stop Paying the Apple Tax The Apple tax is no joke, but neither is a typical Apple owner’s fear of popping open their systems and feeding their Mac some extra-delicious low-cost memory. But here’s the thing: If you pay Apple for RAM that you can install yourself, you’re wasting money. Full stop.Read more... Go to Source


Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/BYTpBdUW_SE For copyright matters please contact us at: copymanager.mn@gmail.com BRAIN TIME ► https://goo.gl/tTWgH2 1. FoldiMate https://youtu.be/delFEOraY5Q https://youtu.be/-V2nHp7n7k0 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS2ww7zQnfrJqHw1a2q-dOQ 2. Scribble https://youtu.be/PsaaXIOb9TE https://youtu.be/y2aJuuIsots https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtTQJLeskwj834FlhcgBkuw 3. Brush Lee https://youtu.be/HGdfNwV2JwM https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjAbI5I4D6W-ePcMRjSAobw 4. Third Thumb (Preview) https://vimeo.com/220291411 https://vimeo.com/349471602 5. Bosma Sentry https://youtu.be/FZdiNEyzlKs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx6FBd7ui1FjedxN2PGVLBA 6. HPRT https://youtu.be/PwFZepQOhqQ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkU8A97XoPc3Odd29429f4Q 7. Seven & Me https:/...
Is Border Patrol Arresting Firefighters in California During Wildfire Season?

Is Border Patrol Arresting Firefighters in California During Wildfire Season?

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Is Border Patrol Arresting Firefighters in California During Wildfire Season? An official with U.S. Border Patrol sent out a tweet on Tuesday, claiming the agency had arrested ten “illegal aliens” in El Centro, California after some were allegedly caught with fake Social Security numbers. Strangely, the Border Patrol official said the suspects had claimed to be firefighters who were certified…Read more... Go to Source
Seiko’s Street Fighter-Inspired Watches Celebrate All the Right Moves

Seiko’s Street Fighter-Inspired Watches Celebrate All the Right Moves

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Seiko's Street Fighter-Inspired Watches Celebrate All the Right Moves Hadouken! Seiko and Capcom have teamed up to bring us an entire line-up of watches inspired by the beefy players in the Street Fighter saga. The watches, now available for pre-order in the U.S., feature color schemes and clever nods to the original video game characters. Not content to just show you these timepieces…Read more... Go to Source
Home Theater Hoarders, Meet the HDMI Switcher

Home Theater Hoarders, Meet the HDMI Switcher

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Home Theater Hoarders, Meet the HDMI Switcher Whether you’re looking to swap between a streaming box and video game console or you’re looking for a way to manage multiple high-end pieces of equipment, HDMI switchers are a boon for anyone who values an effortless home theater setup. It’s a massive pain to manually swap out HDMI cords every time you want to use a…Read more... Go to Source
How Wonder Woman 1984 Will Use Our Past to Talk About the Present

How Wonder Woman 1984 Will Use Our Past to Talk About the Present

Science, Tech and Gadgets
How Wonder Woman 1984 Will Use Our Past to Talk About the Present It’s faced a few delays, and, well, a global pandemic that could perhaps lay even an Amazon low. But at long last, Wonder Woman 1984 is ready to return Diana Prince to the DC Cinematic Universe spotlight. Her new adventure will not take her into the present but keep her in a somewhat recent past: one that will allow…Read more... Go to Source
What’s Coming to Netflix in September 2020

What’s Coming to Netflix in September 2020

Science, Tech and Gadgets
What's Coming to Netflix in September 2020 The dog days of August are ending, and with them the summer streaming doldrums. Netflix is preparing to debut a September slate packed with intriguing new series and original films featuring top-tier talent, and in order to help you sort through the morass—and in recognition of These Times—I’m highlighting a few of…Read more... Go to Source


Science, Tech and Gadgets
http://youtu.be/uW8ZJmjT73E For copyright matters please contact us at: copymanager.mn@gmail.com Mind Warehouse ► https://goo.gl/aeW8Sk 1. Phone Jack Secret Compartment (Preview) https://youtu.be/UPGUx9X9MQI https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWDVjhT9U3xIiWs23eM1kA https://youtu.be/hhN-O8mWmBY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE6NOTxaYhHxW--pjzEtGTw 2. Yobi B3 Doorbell https://youtu.be/Xcy3GsYefEE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEDPw1NRugGgnW3bVuxtUZQ 3. Swidget https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/swidget/swidgettm-outlet-the-smart-home-device-for-all-pla https://youtu.be/EjDIX5jeUQM https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQyBjaZsuP-NrNf2fGQMffg 4. SmokeNet https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inets/smokenet-an-ultra-secure-work-from-home-solution 5. Kwikset Halo https://youtu.be/RuLyb...
President Trump Endorses Bigot Who’s Been Banned From a Dozen Tech Platforms

President Trump Endorses Bigot Who’s Been Banned From a Dozen Tech Platforms

Science, Tech and Gadgets
President Trump Endorses Bigot Who's Been Banned From a Dozen Tech Platforms President Donald Trump congratulated anti-Muslim hatemonger Laura Loomer over Twitter last night for winning the Republican primary in Florida’s 21st congressional district. Ironically, Loomer is banned from Twitter, but she likely heard about the tweet anyway, thanks to Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Republican who’s endorsed…Read more... Go to Source