Friday, March 14

Science, Tech and Gadgets

Couple Receives 55,000 Identical Bills from Student Loan Company In the Mail

Couple Receives 55,000 Identical Bills from Student Loan Company In the Mail

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Couple Receives 55,000 Identical Bills from Student Loan Company In the Mail Having delivered the last of this season’s letters to Santa, the United States Postal Service marches into bad winter determined to ferry bundles of wishlists from the wide-eyed children of the College Avenue Student Loan Company, who really really wanted a couple to pay their bill this quarter. The company addressed…Read more... Go to Source
Alphabet’s Jigsaw Develops Tool to Help Journalists Identify Manipulated Imagery

Alphabet’s Jigsaw Develops Tool to Help Journalists Identify Manipulated Imagery

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Alphabet's Jigsaw Develops Tool to Help Journalists Identify Manipulated Imagery The proliferation of doctored or misleading images that manage to spread like wildfire has required that newsrooms, fact-checkers, and journalists be especially wary of disinformation and targeted campaigns in various media. Jigsaw, an Alphabet-owned company, has announced a new tool aimed at helping journalists…Read more... Go to Source
The MTA Is Dangling a Big Bag of Money in Front of Uber and Lyft

The MTA Is Dangling a Big Bag of Money in Front of Uber and Lyft

Science, Tech and Gadgets
The MTA Is Dangling a Big Bag of Money in Front of Uber and Lyft It’s been said that, despite a robust transit system, all New Yorkers do is complain about the subway. This is true! We like complaining. But every bit of bile stored for the next unplanned service outage is nothing compared to the gallons of piss and vinegar that should deservedly be poured onto the MTA’s pilot plan…Read more... Go to Source
Science, Tech and Gadgets
Jalopnik Things To Consider Before You Put Car Tires On Your Motorcycle  |Jezebel Miss Americana or Miss It Altogether? A Swiftie and a Non-Fan Debate  |The Root Police Obtain Warrant for DNA Database  |The A.V. Club Here's everything you need to know about the 92nd Academy Awards  |Read more... Go to Source
Stop Buying the MacBook Air

Stop Buying the MacBook Air

Science, Tech and Gadgets Visit and use offer code LTT for 10% off Use code LINUS and get 25% off GlassWire at The number one selling laptop on Amazon is currently the MacBook Air… from 2017. Guys, I know the logo is pretty, but please stop buying it. Buy MacBook Air On Amazon (PAID LINK): On Newegg: Buy Acer Aspire 5 On Amazon (PAID LINK): On Newegg: Buy Lenovo Flex 14 On Amazon (PAID LINK): On Newegg: Buy Dell Inspiron 13 7000 2-in-1 On Amazon (PAID LINK): On Newegg: Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensati...
There’s A Good Chance Climate Change Will Kill The Rally Sweden

There’s A Good Chance Climate Change Will Kill The Rally Sweden

Science, Tech and Gadgets
There's A Good Chance Climate Change Will Kill The Rally Sweden Rally Sweden, with its treacherous snow-packed roadways and unique winter conditions, has been a longstanding gem in the World Rally Championship calendar. But the fate of this month’s February 13-16 event is currently hanging in the balance because there’s just not enough snow.Read more... Go to Source
Why the Birds of Prey Are Finally Taking Flight

Why the Birds of Prey Are Finally Taking Flight

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Why the Birds of Prey Are Finally Taking Flight DC Entertainment is about to achieve something that Marvel Studios hasn’t. When Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) opens on February 7, it will be the first comic book movie starring an all-female superteam. And assuming the CW picks up the Arrow spinoff and Birds of Prey-inspired …Read more... Go to Source
Neural Networks Upscale Film from 1896 to 4K, Make It Look Like It Was Shot on a Modern Smartphone

Neural Networks Upscale Film from 1896 to 4K, Make It Look Like It Was Shot on a Modern Smartphone

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Neural Networks Upscale Film from 1896 to 4K, Make It Look Like It Was Shot on a Modern Smartphone There are lots of valid reasons to be worried about how deep learning techniques could potentially be used to manipulate footage for nefarious reasons. But as Denis Shiryaev demonstrates by upscaling some old black and white film footage from 1896, those AI-powered tools can also be a powerful way to bring the past…Read more... Go to Source
Twitter Admits to Helping Spread Election Disinformation During Iowa Caucuses

Twitter Admits to Helping Spread Election Disinformation During Iowa Caucuses

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Twitter Admits to Helping Spread Election Disinformation During Iowa Caucuses The Washington Post’s Tony Romm reported on Monday night that Twitter has decided it will allow certain right-wing accounts to spread disinformation about the Iowa Democratic Caucuses, including tweets that suggest the results are being “rigged.”Read more... Go to Source
Alphabet Finally Discloses Size of YouTube’s Ad Business: Over $15 Billion in 2019

Alphabet Finally Discloses Size of YouTube’s Ad Business: Over $15 Billion in 2019

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Alphabet Finally Discloses Size of YouTube's Ad Business: Over $15 Billion in 2019 Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc. has disclosed how much YouTube’s advertising business rakes in for the first time, writing in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission that the streaming giant made just shy of $15.15 billion in ad revenue in fiscal year 2019. It made some $4.79 billion of it in Q4 2019…Read more... Go to Source
Sci-Fi Has Never Been More at One With Nature Than in These Posters

Sci-Fi Has Never Been More at One With Nature Than in These Posters

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Sci-Fi Has Never Been More at One With Nature Than in These Posters When you think sci-fi, you think metal. You think space. You think speed, technology, lasers, and everything mechanical. You don’t think trees. You don’t think grass, rivers, or flowers. And yet, the crossovers between nature and sci-fi are everywhere, which is especially evident in this beautiful new art show.Read more... Go to Source
Iowa Caucus Results May Take a Few More Hours to Roll in Due to Election App Problem [Update: Hoo Boy]

Iowa Caucus Results May Take a Few More Hours to Roll in Due to Election App Problem [Update: Hoo Boy]

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Iowa Caucus Results May Take a Few More Hours to Roll in Due to Election App Problem [Update: Hoo Boy] Update: 11:30 p.m. ET: Prior accounts of some problems with the app the Iowa Democratic Party is using to collect and tabulate results appear to have been somewhat... understating the situation. It is now hours after the process of releasing caucus results was expected to begin—and instead, there’s been little beyond…Read more... Go to Source
Cars Outside Jeff Bezos’ DC House Racked Up Nearly $17,000 in Parking Tickets During $12 Million Renovation

Cars Outside Jeff Bezos’ DC House Racked Up Nearly $17,000 in Parking Tickets During $12 Million Renovation

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Cars Outside Jeff Bezos' DC House Racked Up Nearly $17,000 in Parking Tickets During $12 Million Renovation Cars parked outside $12 million renovation project at Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ D.C. mansion were tagged with at least 564 separate parking tickets costing nearly $17,000, of which $5,600 were listed as unpaid in DMV records, WUSA 9 recently reported.Read more... Go to Source
The Wuhan Coronavirus Has Officially Killed More People Than SARS in Mainland China

The Wuhan Coronavirus Has Officially Killed More People Than SARS in Mainland China

Science, Tech and Gadgets
The Wuhan Coronavirus Has Officially Killed More People Than SARS in Mainland China China passed a bleak milestone over the weekend, as more people in mainland China have now died of the newly discovered coronavirus than did during the SARS outbreak, which also began in China almost two decades ago. Cases in other countries are also increasing each day.Read more... Go to Source
Science, Tech and Gadgets
Jezebel 'He Was Implying I Was a Liar': What Happened After I Was Sexually Assaulted at the VA  |The Root What’s Better Than One Billionaire Remaining Seated During the Super Bowl National Anthem? Two  |Jalopnik The Ferrari SUV's Name Is So Stupid It Already Started A Fight With A Charity  |The A.V. Club This year’s Super Bowl commercials wanted to go viral, not make sense  |Read more... Go to Source
Wild Gray Seals Clap Their Flippers Underwater to Communicate, New Research Suggests

Wild Gray Seals Clap Their Flippers Underwater to Communicate, New Research Suggests

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Wild Gray Seals Clap Their Flippers Underwater to Communicate, New Research Suggests Unprecedented video shows a male gray seal using its flippers to produce a loud sound underwater. Scientists say it could be a previously undocumented form of communication, in which the seals are using the sound to attract mates or ward off rivals. Read more... Go to Source
Scientists Make First-Ever Observation of Warm Water Undercutting Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’

Scientists Make First-Ever Observation of Warm Water Undercutting Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Scientists Make First-Ever Observation of Warm Water Undercutting Antarctica's 'Doomsday Glacier' The climate crisis is causing ice in Antarctica to melt faster than at any other time in recorded history. And scientists just found another troubling sign for Antarctic ice. Record warm water is surging under an Antarctica glacier that’s fate is intertwined with the millions of people who live along the coast.…Read more... Go to Source
Mulan’s Final Trailer Highlights the Film’s Epic Action

Mulan’s Final Trailer Highlights the Film’s Epic Action

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Mulan’s Final Trailer Highlights the Film's Epic Action While Disney’s upcoming live-action Mulan remake won’t exactly feature anywhere near as much of the whimsy as the studio’s 1998 animated feature, the final trailer makes obvious that what this movie’s lost in the way of cartoonishness, it’s more than made up for with straight-up epic fantasy action that’s unlike…Read more... Go to Source
Actor Duncan Regehr Discusses His Glorious Moment as Star Trek’s ‘Sex Candle Ghost’

Actor Duncan Regehr Discusses His Glorious Moment as Star Trek’s ‘Sex Candle Ghost’

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Actor Duncan Regehr Discusses His Glorious Moment as Star Trek’s ‘Sex Candle Ghost’ “Sub Rosa” was a very strange episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, an old-school gothic adventure featuring a haunted candle, a ghastly Casanova, and just enough scifi nonsense to keep the whole thing from being magic. Read more... Go to Source