Monday, March 10

Science, Tech and Gadgets

This Is the Decade Smartwatches Actually Became a Thing

This Is the Decade Smartwatches Actually Became a Thing

Science, Tech and Gadgets
This Is the Decade Smartwatches Actually Became a Thing Over the past ten years, smartwatches have gone from futuristic tech relegated to sci-fi flicks to something so common, it’s not a surprise to multiple people sporting them on your daily commute. These wrist-sized computers can’t do quite as much as your smartphone, but these days the modern wristable can do…Read more... Go to Source
Sharon Stone Was Blocked From Bumble, Just Like Us

Sharon Stone Was Blocked From Bumble, Just Like Us

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Sharon Stone Was Blocked From Bumble, Just Like Us Proles were enthralled to discover in the wee hours of this morning that Sharon Stone is on Bumble, the dating app where ~ladies~ make the first move. Around 1 AM EST, she tweeted a screenshot showing that her account had been disabled; after what must have been a furious few hours for the Bumble customer service team…Read more... Go to Source
Google Search Now Has a (I’ll Probably Never) Watchlist

Google Search Now Has a (I’ll Probably Never) Watchlist

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Google Search Now Has a (I'll Probably Never) Watchlist There is entirely too much content out there—so much so that plenty of folks find it quite literally overwhelming. And trying to keep track of all those horror movies and melodramatic reality shows and whodunnits starring Chris Evans in a cable knit sweater (oh ok, fine. There’s only one of those. But I’m optimistic…Read more... Go to Source
Fox Networks Could Soon Go Dark for Millions Still Stuck With Cable

Fox Networks Could Soon Go Dark for Millions Still Stuck With Cable

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Fox Networks Could Soon Go Dark for Millions Still Stuck With Cable As we prepare to embark on a new decade, any fans of Fox programming still holding onto their cable subscription could soon be SOL. Hundreds of mid-range and local cable providers with millions of customers between them are locked in 2020 contract negotiations with Fox, and the broadcasting company’s allegedly holding…Read more... Go to Source
Writer Chris Terrio Offers an Unsatisfying Explanation for Kelly Marie Tran’s Limited Screen Time in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Writer Chris Terrio Offers an Unsatisfying Explanation for Kelly Marie Tran’s Limited Screen Time in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Writer Chris Terrio Offers an Unsatisfying Explanation for Kelly Marie Tran's Limited Screen Time in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Wait, where’s Rose? As anyone keeping up with the state of Star Wars discourse has undoubtedly heard, Rose Tico, the Resistance engineer introduced in The Last Jedi and played by Kelly Marie Tran, has a very small amount of screen time in The Rise of Skywalker. Like, compared to her role in The Last Jedi, where she’s…Read more... Go to Source
The Costume Designer For Birds of Prey Dishes on Harley Quinn’s Killer Fashion Sense

The Costume Designer For Birds of Prey Dishes on Harley Quinn’s Killer Fashion Sense

Science, Tech and Gadgets
The Costume Designer For Birds of Prey Dishes on Harley Quinn's Killer Fashion Sense Every time I think about Birds Of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn, I think about the fashion. Its looks are just killer, with Harley herself taking the bedazzled cake as a decked-out Margot Robbie wearing some of the snazziest duds ever seen in a superhero film.Read more... Go to Source
This Parody Explores the Serene Joy of Just Not Caring About Star Wars

This Parody Explores the Serene Joy of Just Not Caring About Star Wars

Science, Tech and Gadgets
This Parody Explores the Serene Joy of Just Not Caring About Star Wars Have you hugged the Star Wars nerd in your life lately? Because they’re probably far, far more stressed out than is reasonable. Such is the nature of fandom, that it can end up with a lot of unnecessary frustration when something you love ends up differently than you imagined, or otherwise it doesn’t but other people…Read more... Go to Source
Samsung’s Incubator Lab Is Making Indoor Sunlight and a Robot Friend That Definitely Won’t Murder You

Samsung’s Incubator Lab Is Making Indoor Sunlight and a Robot Friend That Definitely Won’t Murder You

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Samsung's Incubator Lab Is Making Indoor Sunlight and a Robot Friend That Definitely Won't Murder You Samsung’s in-house incubator program, Creative Lab, has developed a reputation for brewing off-the-wall innovations it feels like few people, if any, asked for. Since opening its doors in 2012, it’s spawned projects like a 360-degree wearable camcorder, an AI-driven desk lamp, and a recording app specifically geared…Read more... Go to Source
Steven’s Ship Gets Sunk in a Preview Clip For Tonight’s Steven Universe Future

Steven’s Ship Gets Sunk in a Preview Clip For Tonight’s Steven Universe Future

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Steven’s Ship Gets Sunk in a Preview Clip For Tonight’s Steven Universe Future Fans know the joys of shipping, of imagining two character together. The thrill. The romance. The fanfiction. But fans also know the heartbreak of seeing their ship sunk—that moment of canon confirmation that, no, that ship isn’t happening. Time to whip out the fix fics. Read more... Go to Source
More Galaxy S11 Leaks Appear to Settle the Samsung Flagship’s Most Debated Feature

More Galaxy S11 Leaks Appear to Settle the Samsung Flagship’s Most Debated Feature

Science, Tech and Gadgets
More Galaxy S11 Leaks Appear to Settle the Samsung Flagship's Most Debated Feature Are you tired of all these Galaxy S11 rumors yet? Well too damn bad. Because it looks like we’re rounding out the year with a purported first look at the Samsung flagship’s final camera configuration following other leaked details about its size and, possibly, a new naming convention to match the new decade.Read more... Go to Source
Ryan Reynolds Has a Brief Update on Deadpool 3

Ryan Reynolds Has a Brief Update on Deadpool 3

Science, Tech and Gadgets
Ryan Reynolds Has a Brief Update on Deadpool 3 The Disney-Fox merger changed the fate of a number of film franchises, not to mention the entire entertainment industry. One of the most notable affected, for fans, was the Deadpool series, which has proven itself markedly successful offering a superheroic vibe not really seen in the MCU or its imitators. Since the…Read more... Go to Source
FDA Makes It Official: Legal Smoking and Vaping Age Raised to 21

FDA Makes It Official: Legal Smoking and Vaping Age Raised to 21

Science, Tech and Gadgets
FDA Makes It Official: Legal Smoking and Vaping Age Raised to 21 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has officially raised the legal smoking age from 18 t0 21. The measure marks a culmination of a monthslong, bi-partisan campaign aimed at curbing the use of tobacco products— particularly electronic cigarettes—among youth amid rising concerns about the health effects of vaping.Read more... Go to Source
A Programmer Lost A Game He Made As A Kid, Until Someone Streamed It On Twitch

A Programmer Lost A Game He Made As A Kid, Until Someone Streamed It On Twitch

Science, Tech and Gadgets
A Programmer Lost A Game He Made As A Kid, Until Someone Streamed It On Twitch If you’re interested in game design, you’ve probably made a few side projects or prototypes. If you were lucky, you might have had the means to start early in life and made a few games as a kid. These usually end up deleted or lost on rotting hard drives. You definitely don’t expect them to show up twenty years later…Read more... Go to Source
A Man’s Penis Started Rotting After Getting Bitten During Sex

A Man’s Penis Started Rotting After Getting Bitten During Sex

Science, Tech and Gadgets
A Man's Penis Started Rotting After Getting Bitten During Sex A harrowing medical case reported by doctors this month should remind everyone to keep their teeth away from each other’s genitals. It details how an accidental love bite during sex left a man’s penis on the verge of rotting away, though thankfully doctors intervened in time to save it.Read more... Go to Source
10 Intriguing Star Wars Details We Learned From The Rise of Skywalker’s Visual Dictionary

10 Intriguing Star Wars Details We Learned From The Rise of Skywalker’s Visual Dictionary

Science, Tech and Gadgets
10 Intriguing Star Wars Details We Learned From The Rise of Skywalker's Visual Dictionary A new Star Wars movie is out, and for better or worse, that always means there’s also a host of new tie-in material released which can explain or clarify some questions left lingering after the credits rolled. The Rise of Skywalker is no exception, and its own “Visual Dictionary” guidebook is jam-packed with little…Read more... Go to Source
How to (Hypothetically) Hack Your School’s Surveillance System

How to (Hypothetically) Hack Your School’s Surveillance System

Science, Tech and Gadgets
How to (Hypothetically) Hack Your School's Surveillance System This week, hacktivist and security engineer Lance R. Vick tweeted an enticing proposition along with a gut-punch headline: “Colleges are turning students’ phones into surveillance machines, tracking the locations of hundreds of thousands,” read the Washington Post link. The report revealed nearly instantaneous and…Read more... Go to Source
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