What If Teleportation Was Possible?
http://youtu.be/Hvqtzt8O_fw Welcome to a world of teleportation! A world where you can wake up in a remote corner of the world, teleport to work in Tokyo, meet for lunch in Mexico City, and end your day by catching the opera in Rome! This idea of beaming yourself from one location to another used to be just the stuff of science fiction, but now scientists are starting to uncover the technologies that can make it a reality. Transcript and sources: https://insh.world/science/what-if-teleportation-was-possible/ Watch more what-if scenarios:
Planet Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-HhCwYD7rc&list=PLZdXRHYAVxTJCzxwmCq0NNpYq9N9wyb2l
The Cosmos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfuJyVkMH_g&list=PLZdXRHYAVxTJno6oFF9nLGuwXNGYHmE8U
Technology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS3bBO05fpU&...