Thursday, March 6

Ted Cruz: Supreme Court gay marriage decision was ‘clearly wrong’ | New York Post

Ted Cruz: Supreme Court gay marriage decision was ‘clearly wrong’ | New York Post

Sen. Ted Cruz argued that the US Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage was “clearly wrong” — while discussing the possibility of its reversal.

“So look, Obergefell, like Roe v. Wade, ignored two centuries of our nation’s history,” the Texas Republican said on his show, “Verdict with Ted Cruz” Saturday. “Marriage was always an issue that was left to the states.”

Cruz was referencing Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark decision that guaranteed the right to same-sex marriage nationwide in 2015.

Before the Supreme Court made that decision, “some states were moving to allow gay marriage, other states were moving to allow civil partnerships,” Cruz said. “They were different standards that the states were adopting.”


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