Saturday, March 15

Tennessee teen pepper sprays teacher after her phone is confiscated | New York Post

A Tennessee high school teacher was pepper sprayed twice by an unruly student who became incensed after he confiscated her phone during class, new video shows.

Dramatic cellphone footage taken during class Friday at Antioch High School captured the rambunctious student confronting her teacher after her phone was taken away as a disciplinary action.

The disobedient student had been “texting and Googling answers for her school work,” according to Reddit user @Lazy_Mouse3803, who shared the now-viral clip.

In the minute-long video, a female student can be seen getting up from her desk and walking out of the classroom as the student filming repeatedly exclaims, “Nah, mace is crazy!”

Students in the classroom laugh and joke before following the rebellious student into the hallway, where she can be seen trying to get back her phone from her teacher.

By the time the student filming enters the hallway, the teacher can be heard telling someone in a different classroom: “She just pepper sprayed me.”


#tennessee #pepperspray #school

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