Tuesday, March 11

Texas woman allegedly rams car into liquor store in failed attempt to hit lover | New York Post

A Texas woman allegedly rammed her car into a liquor store, then backed up and struck a pedestrian and multiple cars — in a failed attempt at mowing down her lover, according to reports and wild video of the incident.

Annie Williams, 58, was arrested by police in Irving, Texas, for allegedly trying to run over her male partner twice while intoxicated, according to NBC’s local affiliate.

Footage from the wrecking spree posted on the Daily Mail shows Williams allegedly missing her intended target — and smashing her black Chrysler SUV through the windows of the booze store, hitting a pedestrian and then four parked cars.

“What the f–k just went on?!” a stunned witness says in the video.

After the attempted attack, Williams allegedly fled in her car but was taken into custody nearby shortly after, the NBC report said.

#CarCrash #AnnieWilliams #NewYorkPost

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