Sunday, March 9

The ACE Family DRAGGED For Being Out Of Touch With Reality!

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So we can all agree that most famous Youtubers aren’t the most relatable people in the world. Like, imagine James Charles changing a tire. Or Jojo Siwa pumping gas for her Jojo mobile. Kinda hard to picture it, right? But The ACE Family took a stab at spending 24 hours at a regular person, mundane job.
Spoiler alert…. It did not settle well with the Internet.

What’s up guys it’s Sussan Mourad here with Clevver News and, well, their plan didn’t work exactly as expected. They might have gotten put to work in their latest video, but now they’re working overtime to squash the backlash that it caused.

Catherine and Austin posted a video on Tuesday, October 1 that started off innocently enough. They were going to accept an award from the Thirst Project for their contribution to building wells with clean water in Africa.

And they were presented the Board of Governors award by none other than Pam and Meredith from The Office.

They built 5 wells in the Kingdom of Eswatini, a small landlocked country in southern Africa.

And after accepting the award they gave a speech on the power of social media.

But as we all know, with great power comes great responsibility.

A few days after they accepted the award on September 28, Catherine and Austin decided to try their hand at working a normal, every day job.

You know like most of Americans.

They said the goal is to work at a restaurant for 24 hours. Realistically, they worked a little over 2 hours but tomato – toMAHto.

Austin and Catherine both teased the video on their Twitter accounts, saying “Who’s ready for today’s video?” and “3 minutes till video is up”

Right at the beginning of the video, Catherine says that she’s never worked in the food industry before. But she has worked customer service jobs. Her first job, when she was 16 years old, was at an ice cream parlor. So she kind of has an idea of what it’s like to have a job that doesn’t involve being in front of a camera.

Austin, on the other hand, well,

To which I’m like ….

I mean, as someone who used to work in a restaurant, I totally understand this!

You already know Austin was a star basketball player in college. He also played football and baseball during his time at Eastern Washington University. After he graduated with a communications degree, he started making videos right away.
Catherine got her come-up as an instagram influencer before she met Austin. She grew up in Canada and worked plenty of jobs before becoming the Youtube star we know and love today.

And honestly, you could tell the difference between their experience working real life jobs. While Austin was assigned the role of chef, Catherine took the front of house register duty. And I gotta hand it to her, she picked up the role pretty quickly!

And Austin, well, he took his sweet time cutting up a banana.

But despite a few errors and messy mozzarella sticks along the way, they still got the stamp of approval from their boss.

The video itself though caused a little bit of a stir among their followers. One of the most liked comments on the video is this one with 820 likes:

“Imagine being so disconnected from reality that you get this excited about pretending to work in a restaurant for 2 hours”.

Another person said ‘Imagine being so rich you pretend to work a minimum wage job for fun. Hell nah I was hoping some person would throw a fit to see how they would react”

But what really got people outraged was a video that Catherine posted to Snapchat.

Someone reposted it to Twitter with the caption “LMFAO i hate millionaires are you kidding me?”

The video was viewed over 11 MILLION times on twitter, which was almost 4 times as many people who actually watched the ACE family video on Youtube.

And the person who posted it followed up with more tweets, saying “Coming to work in a kitchen is not humbling or cool. That’s literally some people’s livelihood and they have the nerve to make it seem like a charity project”.

“i’ve never experienced being working class before so it’s really cool to cosplay as one for a day just to see how much it fucking sucks and then go back home to my multi million dollar estate and pay people to rub my feet”

So what do you guys think about all of this? Were the ACE family being insensitive by trying to seem relatable by working a restaurant job? Are they a little out of touch with reality? Or was this video all just in good fun? Let me know your thoughts on the subject in the comments below.

And then make sure you subscribe to Clevver News so you can stay up to date on any and all youtube drama.

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