Saturday, February 22

The Alien Signals Mystery Might Have Been Solved

What are those scary metallic sounds from space? Do aliens send signals to us? Scientists may finally have been discovered the source of the strange sound from space.
We’ve learned a lot about the universe, but there’s still so much we don’t know. One mystery in particular has been tormenting the minds of scientists for years. In 2007, researchers caught some weird radio signals coming from a place billions of light-years away.These signals weren’t the first radio signals scientists ever heard coming from deep space. They’re something known as fast radio bursts (FRBs) and can be described as short pulses of radio flashes arriving from the galactic outskirts of the universe. These bursts, whose exact sources are completely unknown to us, last a tiny fraction of a second and usually appear alone.
Researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics suppose that the source of these FRBs could be a gigantic transmitter twice the size of Earth powered by sunlight.
The second theory states that strong extragalactic beeps seem to be arriving from a massive black hole or an unprecedentedly powerful neutron star located more than 3 billion light-years from our planet in a potent interstellar nebula.
Jason Hessels, associate professor of the University of Amsterdam, and his team of researchers believe that the source of the bursts could be a rotating neutron star whose home is a place with a harsh magnetic environment, for example, a black hole that’s sucking in dust and gas and, therefore, still growing.

Signals from space in 2007 1:06
The source of the mysterious “alien signals”:
Theory 1: a gigantic transmitter 2:26
Why FRB 121102 is unique 4:45
Theory 2: black hole 5:30
Theory 3: neutron star 7:00
How many radio bursts occur 8:59
Bonus: The Sun’s Influence On Our Planet 10:20


-In 2007, researchers caught some weird radio signals coming from a place billions of light-years away, and these strange sounds definitely got their attention.
-Researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics suppose that the source of these FRBs could be a gigantic transmitter twice the size of Earth powered by sunlight.
-Scientists have already observed as many as 200 high-energy radio pulses emitted by FRB 121102 in just 5 years of study which makes it unique.
-Astronomers believe these unusually strong extragalactic beeps seem to be arriving from a massive black hole or an unprecedentedly powerful neutron star located more than 3 billion light-years from our planet in a potent interstellar nebula.
-The source of the bursts lies in a star-forming area of a dwarf galaxy, and the electromagnetic waves that create the bursts follow an absolutely unique pattern. It means that they originate from a place with a magnetic field that’s incredibly strong. Such fields can be found near neutron stars or massive black holes like the ones in the centers of galaxies.
-The astronomers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics have been trying to calculate the number of potential FRBs occurring in the part of the universe we can observe. The results are quite shocking: at least one fast radio burst goes off in some place every second.
-According to scientists, in the next 100 years the Sun’s activity will lead to a significant temperature change on Earth, decreasing it by half a degree.

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