Sunday, February 23

THE FIRST HORIZONTAL SKYSCRAPER – Most Insane Buildings In The World

THE FIRST HORIZONTAL SKYSCRAPER – Most Insane Buildings In The World
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There are more buildings in the world than any person can count. You’d die of old age, and probably go crazy in the process.
Most of these buildings are designed by architects – architects who dreamed of creating structures since they were just kids building treehouses.

Somewhere in their career – after designing dozens of boring buildings – something happens to these architects. They snap and design something absolutely insane.

That’s why today we’re bringing you 10 absolutely insane building that must have been created by madmen. You’ll see a research facility that looks like it belongs on Mars, a house straight out of Alice in Wonderland, and even buildings with their own ecosystem.
Let’s start off the list with:

Kingdom Tower