Sunday, February 23

The Navy might be required to serve vegan meat on some bases | New York Post

A provision tucked into the House version of 2023′s defense budget bill could require the Navy to serve up Beyond Burgers or Gardein at a number of forward bases.

The amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2023 would create a pilot program by March 2023 to offer “plant-based protein options” at least two Navy forward operating bases.

The secretary of the Navy would identify at least two forward Navy installations for the pilot effort and would be directed to prioritize bases “where livestock-based protein options may be costly to obtain or store,” the amendment states.

It mentions specifically Joint Region Marianas, Guam; Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia, in the Indian Ocean; and U.S. Fleet Activities Sasebo, Japan, as examples of such bases.

#vegan #meat #navy


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