Saturday, March 15

This Engineer’s Crazy Plan to Clean Air with Smog-Sucking Bikes

This Engineer's Crazy Plan to Clean Air with Smog-Sucking Bikes

These bicycles are designed to filter smog out of the air as you ride. This could be a game changer for smoggy cities like Beijing.

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Read More:

Anti-smog bikes: could pedal power clean China’s polluted air?
“According to Roosegaarde, whose design firm Studio Roosegaarde has offices in both Rotterdam and Beijing, the idea for his Smog Free Project came just over three years ago, as he gazed out of his Beijing apartment’s window. On a Saturday, the city skyline is visible; on weekdays, it’s shrouded in smog.”

Air Pollution Is Shaving Years Off of the Human Lifespan
“A well-meaning Chinese policy of providing residents in the chilly north of the country with free coal to heat their homes has shaved years off their lives, while also equipping researchers with a metric that can be used to measure similar environmental impacts elsewhere in the world.”

China Launches Environmental Police Force to Combat Its Pollution Crisis
“As Beijing continues to face an air pollution crisis, China has announced it will launch an environmental police force to help combat the combat the problem. Beijing’s mayor, Cai Qi, who is also deputy chief of China’s ruling party, said he will begin to impose tougher restrictions to reduce the country’s longstanding toxic smog problem.”


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Special thanks to Julian Huguet for hosting and writing this episode of Seeker!
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