Sunday, March 30

This is what it’s really like inside Mortimer’s, NYC’s most exclusive celeb club | New York Post

Before the foodie revolution afflicted New York’s dining scene, you could judge a restaurant by the caliber of its patrons, not its chef. Mortimer’s on the Upper East Side had the best people.

A new coffee table book, “Mortimer’s: Moments in Time” by documentary filmmaker Robin Baker Leacock, restaurateur Robert Caravaggi and photographer Mary Hilliard (available March 22 on Amazon) looks back at an era when socialites, celebs and the city’s most powerful people mixed over cigarette smoke, bull shots and vodka on the rocks.

One of New York’s best-remembered bygone boîtes, Mortimer’s opened in March 1976 at 75th and Lex in a utilitarian space that fast became the de rigueur dining dive of the nascent Studio 54 set — including C.Z. Guest, Farrah Fawcett and Iman. After the days of disco, its notoriously censorious and door-conscious owner Glenn Bernbaum continued to run the restaurant’s 19 tables like a social club for gossip columnists and their prey — until his death in 1998 ended the party.

#Mortimers #NYC #Celebrities

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