Saturday, March 15

Tinder dates, hot tub hook-ups and wild drinking: Secrets of the partying pilots

Welcome to the wild world of pilots’ and air crews’ parties that turn layovers into Tinder-fueled bacchanals. NY Post Senior Writer Joshua Rhett Miller shares this story.

The spotlight was cast on the untamed scene by the revelation that married British Airways pilot snorted cocaine off a topless woman’s breasts hours before a London-bound flight then turned up to fly the plane.

“I’ve been a very naughty boy,” he texted a colleague.

And while he might be an outlier, say cabin crew, there’s no doubt that he’s not alone.

“I’ve seen a pilot puking at dinner on a layover from drinking so much,” one flight attendant for Alaska Airlines said.

“He must have had some in his hotel room, so he was on another level when he got to dinner. The captain after dinner walked him back to his room and he probably slept for 15 hours.”

It seemed to help: he didn’t reek of booze at the gate, the flight attendant of 15 years recalled.


#pilots #tinder

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