Tuesday, March 4

Tom Holland REACTS To Marvel & Sony Spiderman Announcement!

Tom Holland REACTS To Marvel & Sony Spiderman Announcement!

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It’s a case of on-again off-again romance. And no, I’m not talking about Miley Cyrus and one of her recent ex-boos. I’m talking about business, baby. The business of making a 900 million dollar movie. Today is a good day.

What’s up y’all!? it’s Emile Ennis Jr. here with Clevver news and good news for all you Tom Holland fans out there – we are officially getting a third Spiderman movie from the Homecoming franchise.

It was up in the air until today when Sony and Disney released a joint statement announcing the new movie.

The statement reads “Sony Pictures Entertainment and The Walt Disney Studios Announce Third Film in Spider-Man: Homecoming Series will be produced with Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige”

Which is great if you’re like me and just can’t get enough of Tom in that spidey suit, or Zendaya on his arm – all for the sake of the movie, of course.

But fans weren’t sure if we would ever see that dynamic duo again – a few years ago when Disney and Sony teamed up, they couldn’t come to an agreement on how much money each company would get from Spiderman profits.

It got to be so bad that major Hollywood business magazines like Deadline reported that “Spider-Man likely won’t be part of the MCU going forward”.

Which means that Spiderman would no longer be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. AKA no more Spidey in Avengers.

SOT – youtube.com/watch?v=PZmtb8eDDNs
“Mr Stark… I don’t feel so good” – :01

When this all came to light, there were rumors that there were not one but TWO more Spiderman movies in the works including Tom Holland. So now we’re getting light of the first one, and a second might not be far behind.

The first one, though, will be the third movie in the Spider-Man: Homecoming series. As of right now, it’s set to be released July 16, 2021 – according to Marvel.

And people are pumped about it.

Like this person who said “We won Mr. Stark”

And this one who said “Spider-Man is back in the MCU for a third film coming July 16, 2021. Spidey stans, how are we feeling?!”

But nobody, I mean nobody, is as pumped as Tom Holland himself – who took to instagram to share his take on the good news .

He posted this clip from the Wolf of Wall Street, and I gotta say, I’m right there with the crowd jumping and screaming for him.

And I’m not the only one. Look at who made an appearance in the comments. One Miss. Zendaya with the crying laughing emojis
Zendaya comment

Fellow Avengers costar Mark Ruffalo AKA The Hulk also said “Back in a snap! Had a feeling we would see you again”
Mark comment

Too soon, Mark. Too soon.

And apparently an agreement has finally been made between Sony and Disney, which means that Spiderman SHOULD officially be secured as part of the Marvel Universe once and for all…at least for now.

Which means we should definitely be seeing a lot more of Tom and Zendaya.

And for all the people out there who care about the logistics, Disney wanted to make 50% off of all Spidey profits, including first-dollar gross and merchandise. But Sony, on the other hand, wanted to keep the deal as is – where Marvel would get just 5% of the profits.

We’re not fully sure what they agreed on, but rumors have it that Disney ended up caving and compromising for 25% of the profits. I mean, they’re still the biggest money-making studio out there for years in a row now, so don’t feel too bad for Disney.

The agreement also means that Spiderman will make appearances in other crossover Marvel films, as he has in the past with Avengers and Captain America.

The producer of the first two Homecoming films, Amy Pascal, will produce the third one as well.

About the agreement, she said “Peter Parker’s story took a dramatic turn in Far From Home and I could not be happier we will all be working together as we see where his journey goes. This has been a winning partnership for the studios, the franchise and the fans and I’m overjoyed it will continue.”

She continued, “I am thrilled that Spidey’s journey into the MCU will continue, and I and all of us at Marvel Studios are very excited that we get to keep working on it”.

Yeah, you and me both Amy. You and me both.

Kevin Feige also made a statement saying, “I am thrilled that Spidey’s journey in the MCU will continue, and I and all of us at Marvel Studios are very excited that we get to keep working on it. Spider-Man is a powerful icon and hero whose story crosses all ages and audiences around the globe. He also happens to be the only hero with the superpower to cross cinematic universes, so as Sony continues to develop their own Spidey-verse you never know what surprises the future might hold.”

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