Sunday, February 23

Top 10 CREEPY Photos With DISTURBING Backstories

Welcome to Top10Archive! A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes it is the story behind the photo that does all of the talking. In this installment, we’re going to dig through a proverbial photo album of the macabre, looking at ten photographs that may seem innocuous. Underneath the surface, these Polaroid’s have attached to them stories that are unforgettable and, quite honestly, quite a bit disturbing. Take heed, some of these photos and the stories behind them are not for the faint of heart.

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10. Tyler Hadley’s Killer Party
9. The Red Vauxhall Cavalier
8. Travis Alexander’s Last Shower
7. Reynaldo Dagsa’s Family Photo
6. Chris McCandless
5. John Lennon Meets His Assassin
4. Regina Kay Walters’ Last Photo
3. The Broken Hiker
2. The Dive of Tina Watson
1. James Bulger’s Murderer

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