Sunday, February 23

Top 10 Iconic Movie Scenes Done By Stunt Doubles

Top 10 Iconic Movie Scenes Done By Stunt Doubles! When you have a movie idol like Harrison Ford, you have to remember that there are a lot of times when he’s not doing his own stunts in movies. A salute and spoiler alert all-in-one, here are 10 Iconic movie scenes that were actually done by stunt doubles!

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10. Raiders of the Lost Art – The Truck Drag
9. Live and Let Live – The Crocodile Farm
8. Mad Max Fury Road – Most Scenes
7. Stagecoach
6. Footloose – Kevin Bacon’s Dancing
5. Terminator 2: Judgment Day – Bike Scenes
4. Casino Royale – Crane Scenes
3. The Rock – Everything
2. Game of Thrones – Aria Stark’s stunts
1. Karate Kid – Mr. Miyagi Crane Kick

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